polish cannot see due to big crest


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2021
hi again amazing people!
i’m after peoples suggestions on how to help my gorgeous polish girl!!
she has a very very big and wide crest and is finding it very hard to see and make her way around because of it. this is resulting in her not eating or drinking until i take her to it and also getting bullied by my bigger chickens.
i would love to know what people do that works the best in this situation. i have already tried trimming it down but i’m not great at it!!
thank you all in advance xx


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If and when you trim, please keep in mind that a whole new world will open up for her! I have trimmed mine in the past and the first time I did, she freaked out because she was able to see so much she never had before, which caused a lot of stress. If you do get her trimmed, I would recommend keeping her sperate for a bit in a space that is familiar. Good luck!
Get someone to help with trimming? As long as none of the feathers are newly growing in it doesn't harm her so don't be afraid to overtrim to give her visibility. I'd aim to clear straight up from her eyes and the front and back from there, so she'd end up with more of a mohawk.
thank you so much! will give this a try later in thr day. her brother has a bit of a mohawk and can see totally fine so i reckon that should work well!
I sometimes tie mine back into 2 little ponytails. I Use the tiny elastic bands they use for plaiting horses. I’ve also used my sons hair clippers to shave it off as above like a mowhawk. If you wrap them in a towel first, it makes it so much easier.
have never thought about using clippers or putting her in a towel!! she’s a bit wriggly whenever i try which makes me so nervous that she will move and i’ll cut her!! thank you so much for the advice!!

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