Polish chick with issues.. Help!


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2017
Albie is a white crested black polish who just recently started showing signs of being possessed. Ok Im 99% sure she isnt actually possessed I just have no clue what is going on. She has up to now been in a grow out pen with a silkie, 2 lf cochin chicks, and 5 slw chicks. I have her seperated for now. On to her symptoms she was completely fine the night before and morning of, but that afternoon when i checked on them, her neck was all twisted and she was rolling all around the ground. She is still doing it some, but then she has times where she seems almost fine. Could it be seizures? Wry neck? Neurological damage from being pecked? So far she is still able to eat and drink when she wants. What can i do to help her?

edited to add a link to a video of what she is doing
Define always.....

Daily..once a week?

Sure...I'd soak the feed in some water to make a mash and mix the yeast up into it.
I agree that it looks like wry neck. Wry neck (torticolis, crook neck) is a neurological symptom, and they can have a twisted or abnormally positioned neck, walk backwards, or run in circles. It may be from a head injury, vitamin E or B1 deficiency, or a symptom of certain diseases that may affect the brain. Being a polish, she may have been pecked on the head, but it is wise to use vitamins to help, plus feed and water her if needed. Egg contains selenium, a mineral that aids in vitamin E use, so make sure she gets all 3 of those (thiamine or B1, E, and selenium.) If she cannot eat properly, wrap her in a towel 3 times a day, and help her eat watery chicken feed, chopped or raw egg, and the vitamins. Here is some reading for you:
this chicken needs extra vitamins daily for at least 5 days straight and specifically
vitamins B12 and vitamin E.
I just had to look up the ingredients of the Rooster Booster brand and it does have both.
So I would follow the directions on the label and isolate that chick and make sure it is drinking the water.
Or offer the yeast and vitamin E capsule daily for 5 days in it's feed.

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