Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

My Polish Hen, Laverne, was attacked Tuesday night by our turkey hen. I didn’t see the attack, but I found her a few minutes after, lying in her back with her feet in the air. They had pecked her head completely bloody. I took her to the house, wrapped her up, cleaned her wound, gave her electrolytes and have been keeping her indoors for the past three nights. The problem is, she is unable to stand or walk. She kicks her legs like crazy, and is able to curl and uncurl her toes, and she scoot around the cage she is in on her side. Her head is healing very well, she is eating, drinking and pooping like normal. What could be the issue with standing and walking? Do I just need to give it time? When I try to stand her up, she sticks her one leg out and pitches forward onto her chest. Any advice would be so, so appreciated. She is a very loved pet, so please don’t suggest culling. Thanks!
She lays on her side in her cage, but she eats and drinks really well. She is very alert and talkative. She also scoots all over her cage, but she still isn’t walking. She just uses her legs to kick herself all over the place. Is this all to be expected? I don’t want to neglect her in any way or fail to do something that may help her. I want to help her as much as possible to heal as best she can.
I would give her time. Did you make a chair? Are you giving yolks and b complex?
I’m finishing up the chair this evening, and I started her on B Complex and egg yolk today. I think I’m probably rushing things, I just worry she’s getting restless or that I’m not doing enough. Thank you for the advice, I really do appreciate it. I’m used to cats, dogs, even ducks. This is my first injured chicken so that’s probably why I’m driving myself crazy with it.
I’m sorry, I don’t think that would work, I have very limited internet where I live, it would probably take forever to upload. The best way I know to describe it is that she keeps her legs straight out and lays on her side. She bends and kicks her legs to propel herself forward and through the cage. Every time I try to have her stand, she lists to her right side, and falls forward. Her ear was a little swollen this morning, so I’m not sure if they pecked her there too, and maybe it’s throwing off her balance. I’m trying the B Complex, an antibiotic, egg yolk and her regular food/water. I’m going to try her chair tonight and see how it goes, she’s a fighter, so she doesn’t do anything without complaint, but I’m giving it my best shot to get her to use the chair.
I am no expert with polish chickens or numerological issues in chickens, but I would have also suggested the chicken chair and vitamin B. I hope she gets better! Good luck, you are doing a wonderful job taking care of her so far. I agree that when turkeys have something on their mind they can be relentless, but that I have mostly seen this with brad breasted whites rather than heritage breeds. Again, good luck to you qnd your beautiful girl! Can you post pictures of the chair when it is complete? I am curious about what design you use.

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