Polish Roo(?)’s feathers pecked off

I am bumping this because I am literally in the same situation. One of my 3 polish is being pecked at as well. Mine are 10 weeks. They are in the coop by night, run by day. I cannot tell who is doing it as it is done at night. A second coop is not my first choice. Yes honey now that you built a coop, a run, a barn and are now in the middle of helping me build horse fencing and a riding ring you need to put up another coop as well. I think divorce would come up.
I've had the same problem with all my crested birds. I have tried bluekote, vicks, pinetar, I even bought $20 worth of rooster booster no peck lotions (2 different kinds ) and they still pecked them bald. I had to seperate them. Then they still peck each others heads.
I still haven't found a solution so hopefully someone will know.
I don't have any pecking on other breeds in my flock. Just the polish.
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I'm having the same problem as of yesterday, my pretty little "free exotic" WCBP has a bloodied mess where his crest was. And my chickens are out in a huge run all day. I was going to go buy some pine tar, but maybe that is just delaying the inevitable. He's my only Polish, I never would have chosen to get one. I am going to suggest to McMurray that they are doing everyone a disseervice - their customers, and certainly the little roo that they give you as a "bonus" -
by including one of this breed with a bunch of large-breed layers. I guess I'll have to find him a new home So, to get to my question, will banties pick at him as much as my big chickens, who stand over him and can see the top of his head? Or would he have to be in a flock of Polish only?
I hate to say it but we had to separate ours from the rest. Our GP roo is still in the flock, but he has no tail feathers, and may have to go in with the BWCP hens. Yes I agree about the hatcheries, we asked them if the crested breeds would be ok with the standard chickens and they said "sure, no problem". So we did order the GP and they threw in 6 BWCP as replacements for breeds they were out of.(3 were "free" to make up for the breeds they said we had but didn't get. So far the "free" ones have cost us about $100 in new coop and supplies. We love them now and don't want them pecked to death, but we didn't choose this headache(no pun intended)

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