Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not put new chicks in with full grown hens they will be killed. Broody hens will sometimes accept new chicks but they may not. Chicks of different ages/breeds can be mixed with caution and supervision of the transition period.I would be careful putting EE's and Polish with larger breeds like Sussex, Wyandottes and SL's but it could work out if they are all young enough to bond.

Smart advice! Always exercise caution and common sense with introductions.
YAY!!!!! we caught the possum that has been eating my friend/neighbor's Hens & trying to get into my Pheasant Tractor! He's killed 6 of her birds in a week, only eating the heads!!!! But now he's going to see possum Jesus!!! I hope he has a good explanation for his wasteful sins or he may make it to possum HELL
. Sorry to anyone against killing animals
....I tried letting a coon go once....I dropped her 10 miles away...a week later she was back in my coop and killed my favorite hen.... that meant all out war..the rule is..if your in my yard trying to kill my babies...I kill you first!!!!
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YAY!!!!! we caught the possum that has been eating my friend/neighbor's Hens & trying to get into my Pheasant Tractor! He's killed 6 of her birds in a week, only eating the heads!!!! But now he's going to see possum Jesus!!! I hope he has a good explanation for his wasteful sins or he may make it to possum HELL
. Sorry to anyone against killing animals
....I tried letting a coon go once....I dropped her 10 miles away...a week later she was back in my coop and killed my favorite hen.... that meant all out war..the rule is..if your in my yard trying to kill my babies...I kill you first!!!!

On other BYC threads people who have tried to re-home wild critters in the interest of preserving wildlife had critters cleverly return or become another neighborhood's problem -- so the uniform advice has been overwhelming to destroy the pests when captured. Bleeding hearts will deem this cruel, however the Possum & Coon are not endangered and their populations are out of control. Japan has an eradication program to rid their non-indigenous feral population of imported USA Raccoons because of the destruction to Japan's historical temples and monuments. Once the imported Coons in the 1970's became unmanageable as adults the Japanese owners released the pets into the forests where they multiplied out of control.

I love wildlife but I also have a responsibility to my family, domesticated animals, and private property to protect them from intrusive or even dangerous wild critters. Possums & Coons are not just destructive aggressive hunters for food but are downright challenging toward humans as well and that's not to mention the possibility that they carry rabies, ticks, etc. I would never confront one face to face unless it was securely caged or I had a reliable weapon. One can never know if a Coon will attack you - especially if it is rabid or is a female that has half a dozen kits hiding somewhere in the vicinity.

The city populations of Coons is so great that these normally nocturnal predators are being sighted during daylight hours. We and our neighbors never thought we had Coons until I spotted one diving into our street's storm drain late one evening! Those were not loud cat paws we were hearing on our roof at night! We and all our neighbors have cut down our old, tall, or dying trees to eliminate the convenience for squirrels, rats, possums, or raccoons using them to jump conveniently from yard to yard. We've also made a concerted effort to clean out wood piles and storage sheds and move our trash bins away from areas where we don't want wild critters. We don't leave any chicken feeders/waterers outside overnight either.
lol I'm an animal lover too this is me and an opossum I raised as a pinky that imprinted on me his name was Bruce . I had saved and released many never had one imprint but anyways I'm all for saving things and have a huge soft spot for them. however I firmly believe in an eye for an eye or in ur case a head for a head .:)
lol I'm an animal lover too this is me and an opossum I raised as a pinky that imprinted on me his name was Bruce . I had saved and released many never had one imprint but anyways I'm all for saving things and have a huge soft spot for them. however I firmly believe in an eye for an eye or in ur case a head for a head .
LOL..head for a head..I like that.....Bruce is very cute..for a possum!!! I have done a few rescues myself!Thanks for not judging! I feel that all animals have personalities just like people...so nice possums and Coons surly exist...Just not at my house! All the ones I have caught/killed have been caught in the act or on video either killing or trying to get into pens. I do not believe in killing for the sake of sport, but here in Tn we hunt and fish....then we honor the dead by using every part of them we can and thanking their spirits the what they've given us...as it is in nature some die so others can live. Like the countless critters our Chickens devour while free ranging!
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On other BYC threads people who have tried to re-home wild critters in the interest of preserving wildlife had critters cleverly return or become another neighborhood's problem -- so the uniform advice has been overwhelming to destroy the pests when captured. Bleeding hearts will deem this cruel, however the Possum & Coon are not endangered and their populations are out of control. Japan has an eradication program to rid their non-indigenous feral population of imported USA Raccoons because of the destruction to Japan's historical temples and monuments. Once the imported Coons in the 1970's became unmanageable as adults the Japanese owners released the pets into the forests where they multiplied out of control.

I love wildlife but I also have a responsibility to my family, domesticated animals, and private property to protect them from intrusive or even dangerous wild critters. Possums & Coons are not just destructive aggressive hunters for food but are downright challenging toward humans as well and that's not to mention the possibility that they carry rabies, ticks, etc. I would never confront one face to face unless it was securely caged or I had a reliable weapon. One can never know if a Coon will attack you - especially if it is rabid or is a female that has half a dozen kits hiding somewhere in the vicinity.

The city populations of Coons is so great that these normally nocturnal predators are being sighted during daylight hours. We and our neighbors never thought we had Coons until I spotted one diving into our street's storm drain late one evening! Those were not loud cat paws we were hearing on our roof at night! We and all our neighbors have cut down our old, tall, or dying trees to eliminate the convenience for squirrels, rats, possums, or raccoons using them to jump conveniently from yard to yard. We've also made a concerted effort to clean out wood piles and storage sheds and move our trash bins away from areas where we don't want wild critters. We don't leave any chicken feeders/waterers outside overnight either.
Thanks for coming to my aide!!! I was worried about making that post as I was not sure of the response. I heard him trying to get in my Pheasant tractor one night last week. I chased it up a tree but couldnt get a good shot and will NOT shoot if I'm not gonna kill, that's mean and I can't stand to see something suffer!!! I LOVE all animals, but must protect my BABIES! He came back and was trapped 3 ft from the same pen so I figure he had a chance but wanted to kill my birds so....he's with possum Jesus!
Thanks for coming to my aide!!! I was worried about making that post as I was not sure of the response. I heard him trying to get in my Pheasant tractor one night last week. I chased it up a tree but couldnt get a good shot and will NOT shoot if I'm not gonna kill, that's mean and I can't stand to see something suffer!!! I LOVE all animals, but must protect my BABIES! He came back and was trapped 3 ft from the same pen so I figure he had a chance but wanted to kill my birds so....he's with possum Jesus!

I have loved and revered all animals since being raised on a farm. But we were raised with practicality and common sense in mind and some aggressive wildlife had to be disposed of as well as some of our farm livestock which were dispatched as quickly/humanely as possible. Most community laws allow people to protect their life and property from aggressive wildlife - as long as torture is not the method. Bears like Black or Brown (Grizzlies) Bears are protected in places like Kamchatka Russia and Anchorage Alaska but if a rogue Bear is found to have made several attacks on humans or kill near populated communities then they are traced through DNA (animals can be traced by their personal DNA) and actively tracked, put to sleep, relocated or euthanized as a last resort - there is more care taken to investigate Bear attacks and Alaska is reluctant to dispose of this endangered species but if it needs to be done they don't hesitate. People not raised on farms but mostly in cities or suburbs have a more difficult time to come to terms with the necessity of protecting family, domesticated animals, or private property from trespassing wildlife. The smaller wildlife that attacks our backyard chickens and coops are not endangered critters like the Alaskan Grizzles so killing a common species that offends my property has 10 more of its species still breeding elsewhere. If disposal is done quickly/humanely/properly there is no suffering. Now hunters who use wired snares and snap-traps are the ones who cause long, lingering suffering.

As for possm Jesus - all the congregation whispered "Amen".
I find myself agreeing with you often
!!! I only use Havaheart traps and like I said I only shoot if I know I'm gonna get a kill shot...No suffering no matter the offense! I'm a southern girl thru and thru...I love venison!, we raise quail, duck and rabbit for meat. My breeders often have names and are pets, the babies are dinner, they make what we do on the farm possible. Even my 12 year old has no issue with what we do, she's been raised on it. I even looked up the most humane way to kill a Fryer Cock as I could not bare for it to suffer at all. I love all God's creatures ...just some more than others. My friend/neighbor, who got her chickens ate, breeds exotic mammals and has rescued many wildlife orphans.Even she thanked me for dispatching the Birderer!

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