Political Ramblings

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I must agree that Mom knows how to turn a phrase or two, but it is not her best. Really a good one but probably third place.

PS: I plan on using that line often and, forgive me, Mom, but I will probably not give you credit.
I ;just wish I could come up with lines while I'm speaking. For some reason the always occur to me at 3 o'clock in the morning...
My son's public school got rid of GATE, so it certainly is not a requirement of public schools to provide it. One of the many reasons why he's now home schooled.

And quite honestly, I would really hope that the private schools don't use the same curriculum. Government rarely does anything well, and it shows. Education is just another bureaucracy.
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My great niece had the following homework:

'Write a critique on the work of Kenneth Brannah in 'Much ado about nothing', both as the director and principle actor in the play. Discuss the Globe Theatre remembering to describe it as it was in Shakespearean times. Include the role of theatre and other forms of entertainment, and their limitations, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth the first.'

Her age? 12 years. Can't beat a good old English education!
My son's public school got rid of GATE, so it certainly is not a requirement of public schools to provide it. One of the many reasons why he's now home schooled.

And quite honestly, I would really hope that the private schools don't use the same curriculum. Government rarely does anything well, and it shows. Education is just another bureaucracy.
Ain't that the truth. And they should not ever be in competition with private enterprise, it is not government's role.
Did her class read all or part of the play? What is the context of the question? I am assuming you think it is a bad one and an example of poor education based on your tone and I'm wondering why? What does this assessment have to do with age.?
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That's interesting. Why did they decide to get rid of GATE?

They claim it was lack of funding. It's a lie though, because the teacher that was teaching GATE was also teaching kids that were below grade level - so less than 1/2 of her salary was for GATE. They had the money to completely renovate the gym (including adding a climbing wall and air conditioning), get a new play structure, and add a class (and another teacher) that teaches kids how to use facebook and powerpoint. This school is for 4th - 8th.

Now they are threatening to close the school library if you don't cough up a lung for them. They even closed the library for a week to show the students what it will be like without a library - coincidentally at the same time they were pushing their magazine sales.

It is like this every year. Something is on the chopping block if they don't get MORE MONEY. And it's always something academic, never the fluff.
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