Political Ramblings

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Rebel...just admit that you posted that dumb picture for a desired effect. I am a gun owner and a hunter. I have many guns and I carry. In addition I was in combat, shot a 50 cal from the doorway of a helicopter and would NOT ever post that kind of picture. What you may or may not have been doing is irrelevant and it may have been the reason for the gun being there, but please tell me, what is the reason for taking that kind of picture and what could be the possible reason for posting it? For most responsible gun owners that type of posting is not a good argument for gun ownership but, on the contrary, is an argument for gun control.

Quite so. A post above mentions that rights also bring responsibilities. Posing a gun provocatively suggests, rightly or wrongly, an irresponsible attitude to lethal weapons.
Just heard on the news about the mall shooting last night that the gun used was stolen the day before... how does someone stealing a gun fit in with gun control? The guy could have stolen it from a policeman or a national guardsman it really is a mute point.

Only law abiding people abide by the law... remember that one.

It's claimed that he stole it from a friend, not a policeman or National Guardsman, so we can avoid red herring arguments. Let's not judge the circumstances in the light of necessary controls until we know the facts. How did the friend get the gun, did he keep it securely and did he willingly hand it over? Isn't it the case that a responsible gun owner never leaves a weapon where someone else can easily pick it up?
Ed. You are in a strange place if you think that me holding a shotgun in one hand and a chicken in the other is comparable to having a semi auto weapon seemingly mounted on a vehicle. I think most people would figure out that my avatar (which is actually me) is a sort of funny way of saying that I am protecting my chickens. A semi auto mounted on a truck is another way of saying that I am prepared to go and kill people in a fourth world country. Please, you are really getting way out there.
I know what you mean but others may not that was my point... beauty is in the eye of the beholder... what Rebel was depicting in his picture is not abnormal in certain circles just as what your picture depicts in certain circles like a chicken forum, that is all.
Pretty difficult to buy a firearm. Federal level to have a background check on you before you buy one. Also can not be a convicted felon or dishonorably discharged along with a history of visiting the loony bin. I don't see any other way of restricting who can buy one without going into profession, gender, or ethnicity.

Also it could be considered easy since there are not many felons, mentally insane, or dishonorable discharged members of our society. Also a drivers test is easy. You can own a gun in my state, but you can not conceal carry with out a permit. For that you need to take a shooting test, along with a gun safety course. And waiting periods are nothing but hassle for the consumer and easier chance of the government not being able to get the job done. I hate when government policies are instead of making it illegal it will be legal with a pain in the but process of obtaining it. Such as waiting periods.

As a side note my caliber of choice is either .380 or .357.
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Seems there's a gun control debate every three weeks on BYC even though nobody is trying to take anyone's guns away. Only people like the NRA keep this nonsense going because without it they wouldn't have reason to exist. Every couple months they make something up to scare their base that believe everything they're told.
Cupman, the 2nd is not about owning a hunting rifle... or any other gun it is a right guaranteed by our Constitution. Nobody is telling you to own a gun but that you have a right to if you so choose.including the NRA. It is no different than the other rights afforded you by the same document. I am not a member of the NRA for personal reasons but despite your negative characterization of it's members they are not such a base that needs rallying. You have a narrow understanding of what the NRA actually does and should not rely on talking points.
I was speaking on a national level. The NRA and others said Obama was coming for your guns and guess what? He has said in the past that he was for greater gun control, but like a lot of things he says one thing and does another. The only thing he has done with guns is loosen restrictions on guns in national parks. And to Mexican gangs. I think people like you just get excited over things like this and make a bigger deal out of it than it really is. The article you link says the federal appeals court found the ban unconstitutional. I think at the end of it all the second amendment will trump any of these city or state laws.

Also you seem to be confusing restrictions on guns to physically taking guns away. They would have to do one before they could do the other. We can't have fully automatic weapons but I don't see the outrage over that. Why not? Fully automatic weapons don't make good self defense weapons.

The fact that someone's home was being broken into and it took 45 minutes for the police to arrive, doesn't argue the case for guns but the case for better policing!
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The fact that someone's home was being broken into and it took 45 minutes for the police to arrive, doesn't argue the case for guns but the case for better policing!
as in bigger gov't? No thanks, I would rather depend on myself when push comes to shove.
Proud card carrying member!
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