Poll #1 - Should Cereal be Eaten Dry, or With Milk?

Should Cereal Be Eaten Dry, Or With Milk?

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Sometimes I feel like a portable snack -- dry cereal!

Sometimes I feel like something cool and refreshing, and I'm also a bit thirsty -- cereal with milk.

I will also eat just about any cereal either way, including, but not limited to: Frosted Flakes, MiniWheats, Weetabix, and just about any kid's sugar- and artificial-everything-laden cereal. Though I have to hide those from my own kid, lest he want something that isn't healthy.
I love the way you think!!
I tend to wander into the pantry, and find myself grabbing a handful of dry cheerio's or something and throwing it into my always-going mouth! :lau
I also love mine with milk, but I have to use certain kinds of milk because I am sensitive to some dairy....
Example: A2 milk, or Almond milk.
Sometimes, (rarely) I will have a bowl of life cereal with milk, even though it makes me feel not very well afterward.
I still love it!
Interesting. I really like "So Delicious" Coconut products of diary free. We get that all the time its so good! Even better then normal yogurt! I don't buy there milk that often, but here ice-cream, yogurt, and other diary products are So Delicious! No pun intended! Lol!
That’s cool! I’ll have to check out that brand sometime. :) Sometimes, for a treat, I’ll get this coconut-based yogurt that’s really yummy. It’s called Oui, and they come in a bunch of yummy flavors, like raspberry, strawberry, mango, and vanilla. It often has this jam-sort-of-thing at the bottoms of the yogurt too, which makes it extra delicious. :drool And one of my favorite parts is that it comes in a small glass jar, so I can reuse it to store things or make candles in them. :D
Alright! So far, I'm seeing cereal with milk beating dry cereal, at 7 to 4 vote, but then the option both is beating cereal with milk at 11 to 7 votes! So...should I just try eating the cereal with milk, or should I try both in one meal...however that would work?

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