poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

I am in the country (surrounded by chicken houses and cattle) but I just found out that our new house (on FIVE ACRES) says in the contract when the land was sold (in 02) that no livestock is allowed, only up to 2 horses. Which is CRAZY because horses poop a lot, and destroy fencing and pastures. I am going to take my chickens and my goats and no one is going to stop me.
Horse farm beside me, bulls and woods behind, orange grove in front, few people within a half mile, LEGAL!!!

edited to add: wjallen05, wouldn't zoning laws challenge the contract? Can you have an addendum put in the contract or something? That's just silly!
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Legal, We were not sure when we got here with all our chickens, but we were very happy to find out we have no livestock laws.
I was very suprised, since the next town over, you need five acres to have anything.
I'm smack in the middle of Seattle and mostly legal... I am lucky enough to live in a chickie friendly city where we can legally have 3 hens on a lot our size... But true to my line stepping nature, I bought 4 little ones

Also, we live in a rental house and I didn't tell the management company because my BF fixes everything and they never have a reason to come out. Here's hoping the neighbors keep their traps shut! If we're outed the girls have a home lined up though so I'm not too worried about them.
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Legal! We can have a campfire, shoot a gun, run naked... Out of the city limits, though they are my western property line(the city limits). We will fight being annexed, we have 11 acres.

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