poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

I love it!
I am moving farther into the outlaw camp...
Legal poultry limit: 24
Current Chicken total: 61
Chickens I plan to keep: 30
Though with some chicken math I could justify that down to 26... which is just barely over my legal limit...
Untill I start hatching next spring!

But truly, on 1.2 acres that I own outside the city limits I should be allowed to have my 60 chickens. Especially since my neighbors don't mind
Legal, up to 10 chickens but no roosters. I did have a roo and found him a home. All but 1 neighbor wanted me to keep the roo they liked the crowing. If it hadn't been for the 1 neighbor I would have kept my roo he was such a sweet boy! Oh well it is what it is.
What's so funny is that 30-50 years ago several people in my neighborhood kept chickens (from what I have been told by the old timers). Now everyone thinks I am crazy for keeping chickens! What goes around comes around!
semi-legal- it's okay since I'm in the county, but my neighborhood has a no chicken clause, but they're considering changing it soon to allow for hens and rabbits. Hopefully they follow through. We are friends with the association president and he actually knows about the chickens so we're okay so far.
We are only alowed 3 chickens in city limits and our HOA say's no poultry. Our neighbor is the HOA president and I informed her today that we have 6 chickens and she supported it.Yeah!!!!!
I gues that makes me a law breaker!
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Not sure, I'm thinking I'm not supposed to have them, but living where no one cares, and actually, everyone seems to like them so far!
I do know I wasn't allowed to keep them where I lived before, so the coop occupied part of my kitchen.
Tell your neighbors to stuff it if they say something about your birds.
You are actually zoned "entertainment". You can have tigers and elephants if you want. (not kidding, people down the street from me had a elephant until it got angry and....well.....RIP to the nice lady.
) Gibtown is not your typical town.
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Received our notice of infraction and then our order to comply from our local bylaw officer but have no intention of removing our 4 BR birds!
We live in Canada and the law goes against my fundamental right to food as outlined by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I have a right to "security of person" which includes my right to food and control over the food I put into my body as outlined by the government.
We shall fight the good fight and make it possible for ALL CANADIAN CITIZENS, regardless of geography, to produce and raise their own foods!

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