Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

Like 6:30. They get mad if we come out anytime after 7:30
On weekdays, I let them out at 5pm, right after work. I don't like them running around when I'm not home. On the weekends, they get to come out earlier, around 3pm.
Oh my, y'all are morning people.

I let mine out about 8:30 or 9:00 after I've poured my 1st cup of coffee .
Daybreak, then back to the house for coffee, started the coffee pot, grabbed the kitchen scrap/chicken scratch bucket and let them out at the "crack of dawn". Maybe a little later if it's overcast or raining, till it's light enough to see where I'm walking. Close them up just after dark, sometimes I need a flashlight to see.
I live in town..but on 300 acres. I let my guys out at 11 a.m. during the week and after 12 on weekend. Don't want the roo irritating neighbors. If I am not home they stay in. I have a huge coop (garage) that is 16x30 so they have tons of room - works great in the winter when they don't want to venture out into the snow.

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