Pompom Duck has her eyes infected

I'm glad the prognosis is good, even with some vision loss. And honestly, that is the cheapest vet bill I've heard of in years!!!
Well, remember that was additional to my left arm they've kept! :lau

I remember in 2018, when i went to the local vet here, they charged me just $48 for an exam and a steroid injection.

But to be fair, the Eye-drops were $44.85, the antibiotic pills were $15 and the ointment was $37.80. The exam was $89.64 and the doctor really turned the duck inside out and upside down.
But to be fair, the Eye-drops were $44.85, the antibiotic pills were $15 and the ointment was $37.80. The exam was $89.64 and the doctor really turned the duck inside out and upside down.
They really get you with those meds. You can actually have the prescription filled at a 'human' pharmacy, for much cheaper.
They really get you with those meds. You can actually have the prescription filled at a 'human' pharmacy, for much cheaper.
I know! - But Lucky-Ducky was already stressed out like heck by all these people, her being examined and it also was very warm in there, so she was panting until i had her back in the car. I just didn't want to stop at a pharmacy and let her alone in the car.
As Lucky-Ducky needs her eye drops 3 to 4 times every day, I built her a nest in a laundry basket 🧺 and keep her on my desk in my home-office. This way I don't have to walk over to the duck house and she is not all alone the whole day. Here she is:
In this video she is still somewhat agitated because i have tortured her with eye-drops and ointment, now she has calmed down and is listening to me working at the computer and shortly she will eavesdrop to a secret conference call with my product-management…
She needs to get used to sit here inside with me, because the forecast for tomorrow looks horrible, rain for the whole day and i don't want to run out to the duck-house multiple times through a thunderstorm to medicate a duck…

One more call and i'm done for today! - Then Ducky will have her first bath in a full week...
One freak accident from mother nature. Very likely a strain of bacteria that has developed a resistance against all three antibiotics that are in the triple antibiotic ointment. People are using that stuff like body-lotion, so it ends up in the sewage system and the environment.
We'll see how it works out for »ducky« - She needs a name if she makes it.
Iris. Because it's her eye. Although that's a pretty conventional name for you. Maybe Bette Davis? LOL

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