Pompom Duck has her eyes infected

I'm sorry she isn't a grateful patient! Sounds like an all out battle!



The real fight came this morning: I dared to grab PomPom Duck while she walked out of the duck house…
Even the birds of prey fled the area!
The airspace above was declared a no-fly zone!
The national guard came to investigate what had happened!

The ducks: »Oh no the axe-murderer got Pompom! - Run for the hilllllls!«
The mallards: »quack?! QUAACK! QUAAAAACK!! QUAAAAAACK!!!« - flying off in sheer panic.

It turned our that Pompis eyes are still inflamed and cloudy. She is just excellent in hiding her misery. But today i got her: Opened the duck-house door and just waited in complete silence, so she missed me. We exchanged eye-drops for scratches to my belly and Terramycin in exchange for a bite into the nose. I abstained from giving her ½ pill of the antibiotics, who knows what i would have received as a return…
Wanted to give her some cat-food and she pooped into the cat-food container…
All she wanted was to be returned to the puddle-ducks, where she loudly complained about being tortured by the imbecile humon!
Yes, it is. But I'm in California. Everything is expensive here! She is much cheaper than the other avian vet down in the valley.
Yes, i remember! I have visited the Bay area, Lost Angeles and the Homeless Capital multiple times and even McDumb is more expensive in CA than elsewhere.
Wifie wanted to move from Texas to California but then she saw the property prices…
Poor Ducky. My ducks feel neglected going without a clean bath every other day. She must really be in pain.

My Calls would rather dig in the mud and leaves than swim most days.

All she wants is be let alone and sleep the whole day…
I even have to remind her to eat and drink.
She is in a similar trance as a broody duck.
And equally ill-tempered when disturbed…
She needs her second round of eye drops in 30 minutes :oops:
Ugh, what a morning. Not as bad as our dear Hillbilly, though.

Had a doctor's appointment at 10:30. I finish work at 6. Had to kill time, so went to the feed store, got a few un-necessary groceries, and got a haircut! Well, got ALL of them cut. Was way overdue, last one was in October. Or was it September?

And even after staying at work until after 7, and driving like an old man to my appointment, I was still a half hour early. :th

And now I'm too awake to sleep.
Ugh, what a morning. Not as bad as our dear Hillbilly, though.

Had a doctor's appointment at 10:30. I finish work at 6. Had to kill time, so went to the feed store, got a few un-necessary groceries, and got a haircut! Well, got ALL of them cut. Was way overdue, last one was in October. Or was it September?

And even after staying at work until after 7, and driving like an old man to my appointment, I was still a half hour early. :th

And now I'm too awake to sleep.
I hate not being able to fall asleep! I figured out that even though I am so tired when I get home from work at night, I get re-energized having to put all the animals to bed at night. Then I'm awake for hours! I feel that pain.
I hate not being able to fall asleep! I figured out that even though I am so tired when I get home from work at night, I get re-energized having to put all the animals to bed at night. Then I'm awake for hours! I feel that pain.
I haven't been able to sleep well since last week's Wednesday, when i discovered Iris' eye infection…

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