Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I would like to believe it is harmless but I don't like reading: "International Agency for Research on Cancer lists zeolite as a Group 1 Carcinogen, a categorization used when there is sufficient evidence of mesothelioma carcinogenity in humans". And I think I'm probably more worried about this because my father died of Mesothelioma and he certainly wasn't in the production of asbestos, he wasn't even in direct contact with it, just in the same building and the asbestos wasn't even in powder form, it was stable, just lining big ovens. Of course, he was exposed back in the day when most people didn't even know asbestos was a carcinogen, many,many people are dying of it now who were not involved in the production of it but it takes 20 or so years for it to develop into cancer in the lungs, kind of like smoking cigarettes. And as for radon exposure and lead exposure, both are things we go to great lengths to avoid, we don't continue to be exposed and shrug our shoulders. Who would willingly drink water with lead in it or live in a house with radon without proper ventilation and where I live you can't sell a house that has lead paint or asbestos in it. I wouldn't worry about the Sweet PDZ so much if it weren't for the sifting that is required and the dust bathing that chickens do in it. Because asbestosis takes a long time to develop I don't worry about the chickens as much as I do myself and especially children. If you are the kind of person that likes to avoid as many carcinogens as humanely possible, such as, cigarettes, lead, asbestos etc. then I think using and sifting PDZ needs to be considered carefully.
As with many of these, the warnings are for inhaling too much of it in the processing and packaging not in the eating of it.
Just dust your runs and coops when hens are not in them so they don't inhale a lot of it.
I would like to believe it is harmless but I don't like reading: "International Agency for Research on Cancer lists zeolite as a Group 1 Carcinogen, a categorization used when there is sufficient evidence of mesothelioma carcinogenity in humans". And I think I'm probably more worried about this because my father died of Mesothelioma and he certainly wasn't in the production of asbestos, he wasn't even in direct contact with it, just in the same building and the asbestos wasn't even in powder form, it was stable, just lining big ovens. Of course, he was exposed back in the day when most people didn't even know asbestos was a carcinogen, many,many people are dying of it now who were not involved in the production of it but it takes 20 or so years for it to develop into cancer in the lungs, kind of like smoking cigarettes. And as for radon exposure and lead exposure, both are things we go to great lengths to avoid, we don't continue to be exposed and shrug our shoulders. Who would willingly drink water with lead in it or live in a house with radon without proper ventilation and where I live you can't sell a house that has lead paint or asbestos in it. I wouldn't worry about the Sweet PDZ so much if it weren't for the sifting that is required and the dust bathing that chickens do in it. Because asbestosis takes a long time to develop I don't worry about the chickens as much as I do myself and especially children. If you are the kind of person that likes to avoid as many carcinogens as humanely possible, such as, cigarettes, lead, asbestos etc. then I think using and sifting PDZ needs to be considered carefully.

If you're worried about it, why don't you just get a box of dust masks and pop one on before you go messing around in the PDZ? Personally, I'm not worried about it, I put a small layer in the bottom of my cat litter boxes and use it in my horse stalls on wet spots, but, where I work, there are much worse things done to my lungs on a daily basis, so I'm not too worried about a little dust when I clean a litter box and the litter is deep enough that the cats don't disturb it when they use the box.
I just might do that! Even though I am very concerned poop board with PDZ is such a terrific idea I hated to give up on it, so yes, that's a good idea. I had given up[ on the face mask idea because the one I have it a bit pricey and for safety you would want to use a clean one each time so yes, cheap ones and a new one each time. Even a wet washcloth would work too.

My Ag supply specialist swears Stall Dry Montmorillnite is better than PDZ. Anyone have experience comparing the 2?

I have used PD and recently have been trying the Stall Dry to see how it does in my chicken runs and around. I know PDZ stabilizes the ammonia and smell so I will see how the Stall Dry does. The ground is real wet here since we are still in our rainy season in Washington, Sept to June.
My Ag supply specialist swears Stall Dry Montmorillnite is better than PDZ. Anyone have experience comparing the 2?

I have used PD and recently have been trying the Stall Dry to see how it does in my chicken runs and around. I know PDZ stabilizes the ammonia and smell so I will see how the Stall Dry does. The ground is real wet here since we are still in our rainy season in Washington, Sept to June.
Montmorillonite is a clay...not sure it will neutralize the ammonia like zeolite does, but it will absorb dampness.

Not sure what the ingredients of Stall Dry is(are)?
Sounds like it is DE and Montmorillonite.
Aart also suggested using 4:1 sand to pdz so with that and mask which you would want dealing with chicken dust alone, how much are you really exposed to if you clean every few days or once a week anyway.
Love my boards.
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