Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

How do you know that your chickens would go where you wanted them to poo? Ours poo where ever they want which is a mess even on the roosting boards. Waiting for weather to warm up just a little before cleaning.
How do you know that your chickens would go where you wanted them to poo? Ours poo where ever they want which is a mess even on the roosting boards. Waiting for weather to warm up just a little before cleaning.
It's only for the poops they drop when they are on the roosts at night....
......which can be a lot, especially in winter with the long nights.
That coop rocks!
I clean my poop board once a week hauling out two kitty litter buckets full which is a lot not to be on the floor or in the run.
It also allows me to watch their poop for problems which for months was nothing till I found these worms this week.

I painted my poop board with a very slick paint several coats before installing it. I just hoe it off into a shovel every day or so and bucket it for the garden. Really helps keep smell and moisture down in Iowa winters when they are in coop so much of the time. I don't use anything on the board. Works great.
am I thinking correctly that lime on the poop boards would also help with keeping out parasites and other nasty things?
Yes, it dries things out, I use it in my nestboxes before adding fresh bedding, and on the floor when I clean the pens. When we had our Dairy farm it was used daily on the aisles to keep things clean and dry and non slippery. I use a cat litter scoop to scrape and sift. It works wonderfully and is cheap.

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