Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Mine is mixed with sand, and when I just renew it it might be two inches deep, or right now it is about half an inch. It works fine being a mixture, it still keeps the odor under control, flies away and I'd rather the poo get coated with a majority of sand at $5 a bag than 100% PDZ at $20 or whatever a bag. Just my miserly two cents.
Thanks! I put (1) 40 lb bag in a trough almost 6' long x 2' wide, so I guess that is plenty deep. First night with it in there and they all aimed pretty good. Not much on the floor!
WOW I love this idea!!! I will be setting up my new coop with PDZ on Poo Boards. We are planning on having 5 nest boxes with outside access, is it possible to place these under a Poo Board? So that I can have two boards, one with a feed/water station underneath and the other with the nesting boxes underneath. I am only going to have about 5 x 8 space for the inside of my coop and want to utilize as much space as possible.
That's the best part about the poop boards, plenty of room underneath. That's where I hang my feeder.
I have buillt the aforementioned poop "stall" and it looks great....if only gals would use it. I have a "ladder" type roost on one end of the coop and it seems that they all want to use this for the roost instead of the new one. My wife rightly determined that it was too high for them to fly up to (though some can and do), so I built them steps to get up to it. Now they roost on the steps! I will take care of this issue by making it solid so no roosting can occur. However, my other problem is that I have a few who have decided my nest boxes make pretty good roosts as well even though they are clinging only to one half inch plywood. I am hoping that mabe by making two solid walkways to the top of the new poop platform that the birds may begin to use it. They often fly or hop up, but don't seem to want to roost here. Any suggestions?
I have buillt the aforementioned poop "stall" and it looks great....if only gals would use it. I have a "ladder" type roost on one end of the coop and it seems that they all want to use this for the roost instead of the new one. My wife rightly determined that it was too high for them to fly up to (though some can and do), so I built them steps to get up to it. Now they roost on the steps! I will take care of this issue by making it solid so no roosting can occur. However, my other problem is that I have a few who have decided my nest boxes make pretty good roosts as well even though they are clinging only to one half inch plywood. I am hoping that mabe by making two solid walkways to the top of the new poop platform that the birds may begin to use it. They often fly or hop up, but don't seem to want to roost here. Any suggestions?
I'm having this problem also, and I'm waiting for my husband to install the fix--works 14 hours at night right now. My nesting box was built for the outside but, long story short we turned it around to use inside and the top is not at a steep enough angle. You can reattach or recut one at a steeper angle (what we're doing)or some people just install a steep board over the top either on brackets or attached to the boxes, like a badly install shelf. However, for either one of those last two to work to work you have to consider space or a way to lift it to get into the nest boxes.
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Mine is mixed with sand, and when I just renew it it might be two inches deep, or right now it is about half an inch. It works fine being a mixture, it still keeps the odor under control, flies away and I'd rather the poo get coated with a majority of sand at $5 a bag than 100% PDZ at $20 or whatever a bag. Just my miserly two cents.
so do you mix the PDZ with sand?
ANy thoughts on using contact paper to protect the wood under the poop areas? I have kiltz the bottom but was thinking some poop is a little runny than others. ANy thoughts, The kind you used to cover your books with?

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