Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I'm going to do the same thing with the sand. I have a place I can get that for free. ;-) Anyway I bought one bag of the sweet PDZ today and will get me another bag when I get the board/shelf done.
That sand should be fine...I got mine from the beach, but felt convicted so we won't be doing that again! ...caught red handed!!

What kind of sand do you use? Play sand? We have extremely sandy soil here in N. Mich. I could probably just sift some out of the field.
What kind of sand do you use? Play sand? We have extremely sandy soil here in N. Mich. I could probably just sift some out of the field.

I think that would be fine.
You'll know if you like it or not. I had all sand and then mixed a bag of sweet PDZ and was much happier.
It's 7/29/13. I'm just now reding your posting about Sweet PDZ. I hope you see my reply. I'm a newbie. Just completed our 4x8x6 coop. It's got 2 levels, Lower is the 4x8 run, upper is the nest roost area, 4x5. We placed on a concrete slab with a think layer of sand. My peeps are loving it. Is scoop the poo with litter scoop. Hubby built a roost poop caddy it fits the length of the nest house. It's filled with sand too, use access door to reach in and scoop. Working great for my 4 peeps. Now to the question. Can I use PDZ with the sand on the lower area of my coop? Does it work well mixed with sand? My peeps have only been on their coop a couple of days. But they can't free run so I'm worried about odor. Soon I'm going to make a moveable run so they can get out but it won't be every day unfortunately.
Well we have decided to do the deep litter method instead. Going to just take the stuff back and with the DLM I wont be having to scoop poop every day and I like that idea. As they get older there will be MORE poop to scoop. lol So I think the DLM will do better for me since I have so many chickens.
i have wondered about a large amount of chickens and the Sweet PDZ. I am in the process of building a large coop 8'x16' and doing a large enclosed run, cause we have lost too many to raccoons recently. So, we are building Fort Knox. My friends call it the Chicken Palace. So, anyway, enough rambling. we are wondering if we should do the DLM or the sand with Sweet PDZ. They will all be locked up tight at night. So, there's the issue. I don't want it to stink to high heaven.
i have wondered about a large amount of chickens and the Sweet PDZ. I am in the process of building a large coop 8'x16' and doing a large enclosed run, cause we have lost too many to raccoons recently. So, we are building Fort Knox. My friends call it the Chicken Palace. So, anyway, enough rambling. we are wondering if we should do the DLM or the sand with Sweet PDZ. They will all be locked up tight at night. So, there's the issue. I don't want it to stink to high heaven.
Actually, I do both. My coop is 8x8 with an additional 12x12 attached run. I have 9 chickens living in it.

I do deep litter (pine shavings) on the floor, but sweet PDZ on the poop board. Typically chickens do most of their pooping when roosting. So by using a poop board with sweet PDZ to catch the poop, it keeps the shavings clean (for the most part.) And the poop board does its job because the sweet PDZ absorbs the odors and makes clean up a breeze. My coop does not smell. And it's because of the sweet PDZ. The litter method alone does not control the smell.
I also sprinkle the sweet PDZ over the pine shavings, which helps to absorb any odors from poop that gets mixed in with it.
Good luck!
First of all can you say coop envy????? What a great coop! I just got back from TSC with some sweet PDZ and pine shavings. My peeps can't free range. I have 4 pullets (well one may turn Roo on my). Using sand over concrete on their 4x8 two level enclosure the upper area, nests and roost house I have a roost caddy. 3" sides and the raised roost. It fits the length of the nest house. I can slide it right out the access door for good cleaning. Using sand in the poo caddy. Going to mix in some PDZ. I put straw on the floor because that's what they were living on before; just moved them into this new coop hubby built this last Sunday. Smell hasn't accumulated in this short of time but I don't want it to. When I go inside and visit my peeps I scoop the sand in both the run area and the caddy roost. You see, I live right smack behind our police/city hall. I would be very embarrassed I let odor trickle over there. So all the info I can get for controlling odor is important to me. Of course first line of defense is a clean coop. Sand looks so tidy when scooped clean. Thanks for your post.

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