PoppyChicken, SCM, LittleLady98, Ec_Prokta, and Chickenrandomness' Chat Thread!!!

What do you mean? Anyone can talk here - it's a chat thread. :3 Just pop on over whenever. :3

OKAY. SO. Something to start the chat, whenever someone who actually gets this logs on. :3

My manga series is actually coming along well, although I did kinda forget about it what with all the crap going on in my life now. Especially with school tomorrow, it's gonna be a lot harder to actually finish. However, with that manga, I've developed a skill in sketching a particularily difficult male character - Claude Faustus to be exact. I've always been able to draw Mishter Michaelis-sama pretty easily, but Claude's a whole other story. 0-0 He just has the strangest hair situation going on. XD Sebbie-chan's is scruffy, like Claude's, but Sebbie's is also really loose and flowy. (You can especially tell when he did the epic and hot hair flip in BB II, which made me squee like no tomorrow. XD Of course, pretty much anything he does gets me all fangirly inside. I think Ec knows this more than anyone on the planet. XD Poppy probaby knows that pretty well, too, because I know, for a fact, that she's put up with enough of my squeeing over him. :lol: ) Claude's is slicked back, but he also has somewhat of a copy of Sebbie's side bangage. :3 So, we'll just see how it turns out.
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I would update this thread with a squee attack, but honestly, I think that would be embarrassing. :p So instead, I'll update it with a


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