Porcelain d'uccle thread

Hello, I have 2 porcelain duccles hens. One is very special needs as she is paralyzed but moves around pretty good. I hand feed her and made a sling for her that she was able to be in for limited time. She is progressing with the paralysis so I hand feed her now. She has a sister that has had some issues but seemed to overcome them but walks with a bit of a limp. I love these hens, started out with 4 of them and now down to 2 in less than a year. Has anyone else had paralysis issues with this breed. I have had them to 2 vets and they ruled out mereks disease. I have had them since last year. I have been giving the one b vitamins and vitamin e. Seems to make a little difference. My other 2 died in the summer. One paralyzed and the other stopped eating, drank lots of water and in 2 days was dead. I do have about 40 other breeds of chickens and mostly roosters. All seem healthy, but getting older. I love the porcelains and I am going to get some from a breeder who says he has not had any issues like the ones I have gone thru. Any info from anyone would be appreciated. Thank you.
Here is my baby. 2 last pic are 2 weeks ago.


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This is my little pair. They are the sole survivors of a neighborhood dog attack last October....prior to that, I had 6. Now, I am trying to rebuild my flock from these 2, since they're scarce as hen's teeth (pun intended) around here. Little girl just started laying recently. I've got 2 of her eggs hatching as I type this and another 5 to set as soon as the current clutch clears the incubator. What color(s) can I expect from this combination?



I'm so glad to see that your female D'Uccle has a comb. That gives me hope that my 7 week old Sweetpea is a female, since I can only have hens.


Peep at 8 weeks now

My Sweetpea is 7 weeks old (hatched on July 9), has no wattle. I'm really hoping is a hen since I can't have roosters, and so far it looks like 3 of the 7 chicks I purchased from a home breeder are cockerel inteads of pullets. Sweetpea is my favorite so I would be very sad if I can't keep this one. :'(


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