Porcelain Project

I found this description of Porcelain (Blue Cream) on a google search with a disclaimer that because this is not breeding true, it is not standardized. In answer to the question,
"do porcelain silkie boys have penciling on their feathers?" According to this description, no. The wings should be self blue.

The Male:

Crest - Light Self Blue base with light creamy buff to straw tassels

Beard – Light Self Blue

Neck and Hackle – Light Creamy buff to Straw

Shoulders - Light Self Blue

Shoulders, Wing Bow, Back and Saddle – light creamy buff to Straw

Chest – Feathering light Self Blue with ends tipped with Creamy light Buff to Straw in upper section

Body, Tail, Wings and Cushion - Self Blue

Under Color - Light Self Blue in all sections

The Female:

Crest - Light Self Blue tipped with Creamy light Buff to Straw highlights

Beard – Light Self Blue

Neck, Hackle, Back, Shoulders, Wing Bows – Light Creamy buff to Straw

Shoulders – Light Self Blue

Chest - Feathering light Self Blue with ends tipped with Creamy light Buff to straw in upper section

Body, Tail, Wings and Cushion - Self Blue

Under Color - Light Self Blue in all sections


Predominate body color of under fluff, body and wings and Cushion any color other than Self Blue or Light Self Blue. Over all feather shading of areas where light buff to straw, any color other than light buff or light straw.

Defects: Areas were Light Buff; Creamy Light Buff to Straw may over extend and cover to large of an area taking away from the Self Blue or Light Self Blue Color.

edited to add: Buff has recessive partridge and Wheaten under it. I could understand penciling showing up in wings. One of the many reasons taking on a porcelain project has head scratching challenges.
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Thank you for that! :) So, based on that any penciling=not porcelain? And doesn't really have anything to do with gender? Likely my chick is a partridge? Sorry if I'm way off here. I read through it twice and just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly.
Right penciling=not porcelain. That would be a lavender partridge!!! I am actually trying to breed for this.

Mumsy, Karen is to the point (or was) that her porcelain to porcelain breeding always produced porcelain, right? I am pretty sure I read she said that. You being there and seeing it all is more advantageous. I think she may have had lavenders included in the pen to make that color stronger. Am I correct, or no?
Right penciling=not porcelain. That would be a lavender partridge!!! I am actually trying to breed for this.

Mumsy, Karen is to the point (or was) that her porcelain to porcelain breeding always produced porcelain, right? I am pretty sure I read she said that. You being there and seeing it all is more advantageous. I think she may have had lavenders included in the pen to make that color stronger. Am I correct, or no?
Yes. I saw at least two porcelain pens while visiting her farm and I'm pretty sure she had three pens because my two porcelain eggs I hatched from her were marked pen II and pen III. One of my porcelain boys was very lavender looking. I so wish I still had him.

He was gorgeous. You can just make out the diluted buff on his wings. He is around five and a half months old here. You would think he was lavender except for that buff.

I've posted this picture of one of Karen's porcelain pens before but look closely at the birds in this breeding pen. We can learn a lot from what we see here

.The porcelain boy I lost looks a lot like the cock in this pen. See that hen up in the corner by herself? She kind of looks like
astree's pullet. So does the one with the dark head in the corner on the bottom. Every time I look at this picture, I am inspired.

Fur N Feathers! You and I both with the lavender partridge project! They will be so beautiful!
Wow that boy you hatched is incredible. I'm truly inspired by all these pictures. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on trying to get a good starting point. I've decided when the temperatures cool down I will buy catdance eggs. Is it possible to request eggs from the porcelain pens? I PMed her a few days ago but have not heard back. Im sure she's an incredibly busy person. If I were her I would just sit around admiring my birds all day. (Which I kindof do already!)
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So with partridge silkies when do the boys lose their penciling? And what would you call the color of the little chick I posted a few days ago? Maybe I should ask these questions on the partridge thread since he's not actually a porcelain :oops:
So with partridge silkies when do the boys lose their penciling? And what would you call the color of the little chick I posted a few days ago? Maybe I should ask these questions on the partridge thread since he's not actually a porcelain
Well, the penciling is there to stay but will probably get more pronounced. Yeah. The partridge thread will give you better feed back.
Don't forget about the Silkies of a Different color thread too! I have read that thread so many times. I love all the colors there!

Yes! I love that shot Mumsy. May I include it with my other CatDance pictures? I will always give you credit if I use it if you give me permission to do that. I loved both of your porcelain boys. Mine were marked POR and POR II.

My lavender rooster has what PeepBlessed (another CatDance breeder in California) called as fret marks. Her rooster had it also (I tried to show it below).My lavender Ameraucana roosters have it as well.




I think I am going to use this girl in the porcelain pen. You can see my porcelain hen in the background left of the first picture to see the actual color difference. You think she will be OK?





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