possible eye injury and runny nose


In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2020
Hi there, I came to find one of my 3 month old polish hens with her eye shut last night, i thought maybe she got pecked in the eye or something, i had a look at it and it had a bit of discharge in it that was behind the eye lid, cleaned her eye with salt water and gave her some eye drops. this morning she wasn't any better, she is still eating drinking and running around like she usually does, i have her separated from the rest of the flock and I've noticed she now has a runny nose. I tried researching different causes and remedies but no luck finding what's wrong, would really appreciate some ideas and suggestions.
Can you post any pictures of the eye? Terramycin eye ointment is good to put into the eye after cleaning it. If there is any pus, try to clean that out, and sometimes it can be squeezed out. Tylosin, an antibiotic can be used orally in the water to treat for a bacterial respiratory disease. Here is some info about tylosin and where to find it:
these are some images, each time i clean her eye more of whatever is in it comes out, she also got weird breathing like will open her beak at times and sometimes shivers and has a strange smell to her. should i be concerned or will it pass
IMG_6072.JPG IMG_6075.PNG IMG_6073.JPG
Is the odor bad? Coryza can smell bad. Mycoplasma gallisepticum or MG and coryza can both cause respiratory symptoms and a swollen eye from a sinus infection. Both are chronic diseases for life, and they can be carriers. Here is a good link where you can read about MG and infectious coryza:
she doesn't smell too bad its just a strange smell, only when i get pretty close to her. if she had coryza wouldn't she need to have come in contact with another chicken that has it, non of my other chickens have any problems; is there anything i can give her in order for it to stop, or heal, or something. i don't have a vet or anything close by nor any stores to get any antibiotics
In my experience and research, this looks like classic Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD), or most commonly known as Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG). MG is a bacterial infection of poultry, affecting all different species of birds. This disease is most commonly given from infected parents to the offspring, as the MG bacteria can be transmitted vertically into the eggs of developing embryos, making any chicks that hatch, always infected and sick with the bacteria. So please please PLEASE don’t breed from your sickly infected flock. MG is a chronic disease- meaning, that you can treat or have the symptoms go away, but whenever the bird gets stressed again, the symptoms will keep coming back or get worse. All “recovered” like birds, remain lifetime long carriers of the MG bacteria, spreading and shedding it through their feces, feathers, dander, respiratory secretions and other bodily fluids. This is a lifetime disease of poultry and is incurable. Since MG is a bacteria, antibiotics can help keep symptoms at bay until the symptoms resurface. Most people choose to cull as MG is reportable in most states and birds suffer with it for life. If you’d rather not to cull, it’s very recommended to keep a closed flock until your sick birds die on their own. Keep in mind that over-use and/or misuse of antibiotics also creates antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making the disease harder to treat than before. It’s critical in poultry to get any sick or symptomatic birds tested to find out which specific disease they have as soon as possible.

Here's more information about MG:

https://extension.umd.edu/sites/ext... Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf



I hope this helps!

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