Possible Guinea Eggs in "Quail" Batch?

Hello all! I've been busy getting ready for school, but pictures are coming soon, lol.

Felix has been trying a lot of new things lately. Seems he's liking his veggies as he gets older. Today he had cucumbers, corn, and carrots. Yesterday he tried a slice of hotdog, and loved it.
Hello all! I've been busy getting ready for school, but pictures are coming soon, lol.

Felix has been trying a lot of new things lately. Seems he's liking his veggies as he gets older. Today he had cucumbers, corn, and carrots. Yesterday he tried a slice of hotdog, and loved it.
Well, my gecko's worms have all died because they don't come with food... oh well. I bought her some crickets today, but I'm having a hard time feeding her. She's a slow little lady, and it's soooo gross having to tear a leg off a cricket so she can catch it.
Well, my gecko's worms have all died because they don't come with food... oh well. I bought her some crickets today, but I'm having a hard time feeding her. She's a slow little lady, and it's soooo gross having to tear a leg off a cricket so she can catch it. :(
what kind of worms? If mealworms, It was probably the heat, they can do fine eating newspaper for a few days lol.

You can buy mealworms from Petsmart/co. Or where ever you buy your crickets.
make sure you get small ones though, they can choke easily.
They weren't mealworms, they were black soldier fly larvae. I tried looking for mealworms, but all they had were "superworms" which are way too big for her.
Well, I think she's learned that crickets are much faster than her usual meal. I've never seen a gecko hunt, it was so funny, lol. She even put her butt in the air and waved her tail around like a cat would. She managed to catch all of her dinner without my help this time. What a smarty.
Sorry for not posting lately, guys. (I know, I know, I say that way too much lol).

School hasn't started yet, it starts on Tuesday, but I've still been really busy getting everything I need together. I had to find another home for that bearded dragon I was given, it was turning out to be way too much for me to handle. Luckily, my mom knows a guy who specializes in the little scaly things. Hope she's okay.

We had a rabbit doe get loose from her hutch a few months ago. We could never catch her, and when we stopped seeing her in the yard, we assumed she'd been eaten by something... Well guess what we found today? A baby netherland dwarf rabbit! That's not a wild rabbit in the least! It looks at least 5 or 6 weeks old, and was by itself. I guess that means she's still out there... We snatched the baby up, now we gotta find the mom so she can't breed with the wild population again.

Felix is doing great, but I think she's broken up with her cat boyfriend, lol. They've been ignoring each other lately, and she's been following the pekingnese dog around. So much drama for such a tiny little bird.
fickle felix. lol what was up with the dragon? there is a reason the big ones dont live here anymore. lol so is the baby bunny mixed with wild rabbit?

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