post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

WOW are my birds and me jealous of your pond! how big is your pond? and thoes are great pictures thanks
for posting them and also
Are those two pekins and a buff? and what kind of fence is that you guys are putting up?

Yes, 1 female Pekin Daisy, 1 female Buff Violet and 1 male Pekin Tucker. It is called a snow fence here in Indiana. We used it for a temp dog pen and found it sturdy. Plus the slats are wide enough for the ducks to put their head through to pick at the greens on the outside.
Yes, 1 female Pekin Daisy, 1 female Buff Violet and 1 male Pekin Tucker. It is called a snow fence here in Indiana. We used it for a temp dog pen and found it sturdy. Plus the slats are wide enough for the ducks to put their head through to pick at the greens on the outside.

Thats what Ithought but i was not sure. thoes types of fences are fairly cheap arent they?
thank you. Hopefully I will be getting some ducklings, and goslings from a friend or Ideal hatchery..... more birds ;) and hopefully my dad will help me finish my chicken coop so I can get chicks..

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