post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

Beautiful! I need to show hubby these pics. He keeps digging out the ducks mudpit and making it bigger, he might as well just dig out a pretty pond.

Heya Julie. I think the "pretty pond" is going to turn into a mudpit before we know it!

PS. Baby turkeys are doing great! We took them camping last week--to Oklahoma. They peeped the whole time, unless I was holding them. Oh, boy, spoiled little babies. I think they are finally getting used to my beagle, Dixie. She wants to "momma" everything, and that freaked them out at first. They didn't want her licking their bottoms. LOL
How funny, lol. Bet the spoiled little guys are loving it.
I think I'm going to give up on grass anywhere near the ducks water, and get gravel to go around it. That involves finishing it though, so they'll just have to deal with the mud until then. Actually, they love the mud, I'm the one who has to deal with it and muddy ducks and muddy kids.
Oh, gosh go figure I got on here and forgot to take a pic of the new pond we are building... I'm gonna go take a pic so I can share it with all of y'all. Oh and I also just got 2 goslings yesterday the one is a cotton patch and we don't know what the other one is...

The old pond with the new one (in progress) in the background.

When it is done it should be around 4 ft deep in some parts. We are hand digging it as you can see by the shovels in the "pit". lol we call it that right now because that really is all it is right now.. Raining here today so work got halted. Phone battery died so I couldn't take any pice of my birds right now.
This is our Pelin gal splashing in her kiddie pool in mid-winter. Had to dump a thick sheet of ice out and fill it. She loved the cold fresh water. (Brrrr.) I used deeper blue kiddie pools for my geese. The ducks like these shorter ones because they can get in and out easily.
What a pretty girl. I miss my Pekins. They are so funny.
This is our Pelin gal splashing in her kiddie pool in mid-winter. Had to dump a thick sheet of ice out and fill it. She loved the cold fresh water. (Brrrr.) I used deeper blue kiddie pools for my geese. The ducks like these shorter ones because they can get in and out easily.
Thats a good picture! I like it

This is our Pelin gal splashing in her kiddie pool in mid-winter. Had to dump a thick sheet of ice out and fill it. She loved the cold fresh water. (Brrrr.) I used deeper blue kiddie pools for my geese. The ducks like these shorter ones because they can get in and out easily.
Thanks for the lovely comments. I feel so much better about their life, now. Last night when I got home from work, I let them out of their day pen, and they went RUNNING to the pond. They were splashin' and divin'. It was quite the little par-tay.

I picked up some water lettuce on the way home, but they're still scared of it. Once they figure out they can eat it, I'm sure I'll be stopping on the way home every night, to replenish their supply.

The island was hubby's idea. I think it's hilarious that he keeps looking at it and muttering about how it's not even. He actually asked me how he was going to mow the island. LOL, don't worry about it, honey. Grass. Won't. Be. A. Problem.

Tahai--we have the most dreadful clay soil. If my husband wasn't such a meticulous grass guy, I'm sure our lawn would look horrible. And where we don't have clay, we have rocks. The NEXT pond (hee hee, hubby doesn't know yet) is going in a place that I'm quite sure we will hit rock. But I'm going to try anyway, because it's got great water shed. His next project will be to build a duck house by the new pond (the one that isn't on his radar yet). Poor guy is going to be busy for years....

I notice you haven't lined the pond with anything? I have heavy clay soil, but I also know when we get hot summers the ground bakes and cracks and no way would water stay in that sort of pond without a liner. How do you manage that? Do you keep topping it up with a hose?
BTW, it looks fabulous!
I posted some pics of my two Ancona's a while back- I now have another baby. (I'm not sure what breed she is) so here are a few pictures!
hiccup, the ancona, and toothless the... unknown. I was letting them play in the same pen for the first time today, and Hiccup did fabulous with the new baby! Whimsy, my other ancona is being a bit aggressive, so they're not together yet.

hiccup again. she's one of the sweetest girls ever.

You can't tell in these pictures, but my small duckling-toothless- I originally thought was either a chocolate runner, or a khaki campbell. However, in person you can see that she has yellow on her neck/chest, a line going behind each eye, a yellow spot on her head, and some lighter fluff around her bill. her markings are similar to a swedish, but I didn't think they came in the chocolate color at all, until I read about it on BYC yesterday. so confused! Any ideas?

in this picture toothless was a little wet from the pot of water, and decided standing on top of hiccup would give her just enough space to see outside over the fencing. :)
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I posted some pics of my two Ancona's a while back- I now have another baby. (I'm not sure what breed she is) so here are a few pictures!
hiccup, the ancona, and toothless the... unknown. I was letting them play in the same pen for the first time today, and Hiccup did fabulous with the new baby! Whimsy, my other ancona is being a bit aggressive, so they're not together yet.

hiccup again. she's one of the sweetest girls ever.

You can't tell in these pictures, but my small duckling-toothless- I originally thought was either a chocolate runner, or a khaki campbell. However, in person you can see that she has yellow on her neck/chest, a line going behind each eye, a yellow spot on her head, and some lighter fluff around her bill. her markings are similar to a swedish, but I didn't think they came in the chocolate color at all, until I read about it on BYC yesterday. so confused! Any ideas?

in this picture toothless was a little wet from the pot of water, and decided standing on top of hiccup would give her just enough space to see outside over the fencing. :)

Looks to me like a Khaki Campbell.

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