post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

Duck math no different than Chicken math.
Is that math like diff between 5 and 1? Hehe...I can't say I've heard it before...but I *think* I get what you mean.
Probubly around 10 pounds I'm guessing. She's lighter that she looks but she's deiffinitly more than 5 pounds.
She's super cute! My mom thinks the pekin ducks are pretty plain, but when I first started with ducks my idea of the way a duck should look was a pekin. Guess I'll never shake that image! How does she do with your smaller sized ducks? I would be nervous about putting a bigger one in with smaller sized breeds.
She's super cute! My mom thinks the pekin ducks are pretty plain, but when I first started with ducks my idea of the way a duck should look was a pekin. Guess I'll never shake that image! How does she do with your smaller sized ducks? I would be nervous about putting a bigger one in with smaller sized breeds.
Po does awesome with the other ducks. She started being brooded with 30 chicks that were a week older than her and went out to the coop with them. My daughters 2 Mallards are a week younger than her and she became momma duck to them. Even though she was only a week apart she was double their size. Then we got 5 more mallards when she was 3 weeks old, and by that point she was mostly feathered and she accepted the 5 new babies as if she had always been with them. Now the other two mallards picked on the babies at first but by the 2nd day they were a little flock and followed Po everywhere. Even now she is Big momma to them and follow her everywhere.
that's super cute! I have an Ancona that is kind of like that, but now that he's getting older he just wants to show everyone that he's the boss! LOL

here's some new pictures of my swedish


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