post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

Shifu looks like a young silver Appleyard. Did you hatch or buy that one?
I hatched her/him ( lol still not sure, one second he/she quacks like a boy the next he/she gets a loud quack come out).
I order the hatching eggs off ebay as Rouen eggs, but she hatched deffinitly not a rouen. When I emailed the lady to see what other ducks she had since it wasnt a rouen that hatched. Well she got all offended and upset and said tha that she may have sent roune mixed eggs and she only had rouens and jumbo pekins. I do agree though, at the begining when she first hatched I thought appleyard as well. Here is a pic as a baby.
i have updated pics of my babies! Any ideas boy or girl? They are only like 5 weeks old and they grew like weeds!!!

I have no idea but they sure are pretty, I'd have to see a drake feather or maybe a quack. [they look like they should have arms when they stand tall like that.]
Here are updated pics I took today of my ducks.

Po the pekin is 16 weeks old, Jet ( green headed mallard) and Chip ( the mallard up front next to Jet) are 15 weeks old, the other 5 and 13 weeks old.

And Shifu ( jumbo pekin/Rouen mix) is now 7 1/2 weeks

Shifu again-- and no he doesn't normally have his foot turned in like that
I am in love with this Duck Shifu, beautiful.

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