post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

These are my precious babies Dee(the yellow one) and Deuce(the brown one)
Dee is a Indian Runner, and I'm not to sure what Deuce is. Lol.
I'm also not sure on how old they are. I've only had them for a few weeks. They are the first kind of birds that I've had in years besides chickens that my parents raise.
Unfortunatley, Dee was eaten by a large snake today. :/
She was absolutely precious. Followed me around everywhere and would hop up on me and even talk back to me, lol.
Deuce on the other hand is not so friendly. But today he has gotten attached to me since Dee is gone.
She will be missed very much by both of us.

Awwwww that's so sad! Poor D! She was so cute!
I know with my large and even the smaller pool their both kiddie pools, and depending on the day i can just pick the little one up and dump it but the large one, I think id die trying to pick it up, and once i did id probably fall on my face lolll. But i just take a shovel and press it down on the side to collapse it and the water pours out until theres only about an ince or 2 and then i just tip it. Its anoying, and i may try that idea of putting in a plug... never dawned on me... and if i mess it up i can just get a new pool if needed. loll
That looks great!!! good job building it!
X2, the only thing I see you actually need to do is put in some kind of windows they need alot of ventilation, especially as hot as it been and going to be this summer. just cut out some windows and attach hardware cloth easy peasy. Even in the dead of winter they need plenty of ventilation, Ammonia build up from their dropping can cause serious problems. other than the windows it's an awesome setup.
@poultry09- Thanks so much we worked super hard on it!
@70%Cocoa- We don't usually have predators through the day time. But eventually we are going to reinforce the chicken wire with hardware cloth and my hubby is going to add a roof. For now I trust my dog will keep away the predators as normal............
It's a swimming pool. Ping is so spoiled so won't go in 'dirty' water so she takes baths in the tub at night and goes out in the pool on the weekends. Growing up she did have a small outdoor pond but something nibbled her toe (probably a frog) one day (she jumped straight up at least 5 feet) and refused to go back in. I do monitor the chemicals in the pool to make sure they aren't too strong. The chlorine is sometimes less in the pool then the regular tap water in the house!


This is my ducks house it's a combo of a pen and coop. It's still a work in progress, I was going to put a door on the coop, but they don't really go in there much. I guess I could use the same advice because it has no windows either. I was going to put the roof over the pen also, but while we were working on the coop I had a roof over part of the pen. When I had to separate George from the mallards I put a tarp over the other half so George could have a dry place, but it stayed so damp in the pen that I've changed my mind. I think it's because it's so shady around their pen. The roof to the coop looks sort of strange now though so I need to figure out something I have it hinged is the problem. I keep the straw and pine shavings on a second floor of the Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

See my high tech light it has a remote control so I can turn it on from the inside if I hear anything going on outside. It's solar powered, I have three little solar powered light around the pen also do you think they disturb the ducks sleeping habits?
That is a fantastic coop, Travs Girl!! I love it. Looks like your ducks do too!! Do you have any troubles with predators in the day time?

Ldutch, this is the no. 1 question for all duck owners, LOL. How can they get the water so flithy and what on earth do I do with it? Very good question too!

I use a kiddie pool in the backyard and also 15 gallon stock troughs in the duck pen. On both I've fitted drains with a valve (tap) on the outlet pipe so I can drain the water. I've used a fitting like this to act as the drain hole.

With this kind of fitting you have to drill a 3/4 inch hole to put the fitting in. It's made so you can slide some 3/4 inch poly pipe on to it. You can also get fittings that just have a thread on the end, and not the tapered end for the poly pipe (I hope that makes sense!). In my kiddie pool I've just put a drain low down on one side, and I've attached a valve to it so I can open and close it to let water out. I tip out the water that is left in the bottom. You can see it in this pic:

The stock troughs that are in my pens are raised up. so I have put the drains in the bottom.

If you go along to a plumping store or hardware store and tell them that you want to add a drain with a valve (that you can open and close) to a plastic pond then hopefully they will be able to help yuou find all the parts you need. If you can set it up so you can attach a hose to drain it to where you want in the garden (as in the pic above) that is very helpful too.

You will need a drill with a hole saw bit on it to drill a hole to put the drain in.

Thats an amazing idea!!! I am printing this off for my hub to build this asap!
@poultry09- Thanks so much we worked super hard on it!
@70%Cocoa- We don't usually have predators through the day time. But eventually we are going to reinforce the chicken wire with hardware cloth and my hubby is going to add a roof. For now I trust my dog will keep away the predators as normal............
You have a dobe! how sweet! makes me miss ours..
@poultry09- Thanks so much we worked super hard on it!
@70%Cocoa- We don't usually have predators through the day time. But eventually we are going to reinforce the chicken wire with hardware cloth and my hubby is going to add a roof. For now I trust my dog will keep away the predators as normal............
He's beautiful!

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