post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

Well as they say, "Like a duck takes to water" ... our babies had never been in water too deep to touch bottom and they took to their new pond immediately ... even went in by themselves and are not afraid of the waterfalls. Sweet!

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Well as they say, "Like a duck takes to water" ... our babies had never been in water too deep to touch bottom and they took to their new pond immediately ... even went in by themselves and are not afraid of the waterfalls.  Sweet!

Glad you got it finished. It's a very nice set up, and I'm glad your ducks like it. I love the waterfall.
Hello...I'm new here.
My name is Bethany, and I am 16 years old, and I raise, breed and show Call Ducks, Rhode Island Red Single Comb Bantams, and I own 2 Black Wyandotte Bantams.
I mostly do the Call ducks. One of my Gray call drakes bred at our farm was Junior Reserve National Champion Gray Call at last year's National Call Breeders of America national meet.
I was also the winner of the Claude Mccallister Memorial award last year, (scroll down) and am a JR. master exhibitor and breeder with the National Call Breeders club.
Here are some photos:

(above) Me and my Gray call duck hen, named Arwen.

Arwen again with some ribbons.

I took Arwen on a day trip with us once or twice, here she is when the car is parked.

Me at the National Call Breeders Nationals last year, with Gonff, my duck.
My Gray Call duck drake, Gonff.

My sweet little Gray Call hen, Arwen.

Two of our ducks on a giant pumpkin.

Bethany :)
Congratulations on your fantastic breeding and showing success. Wonderful to hear.

Have you considered becoming a waterfowl judge?

Great photos too. Love the one of your Calls on the pumpkin!! That's a classic.
There amazing just to me they look weird. its because i have rouens and have never had call ducks and because its the same colouration it looked funny like tiny beak and all. haha. there really really cute thoe and cool pumpkin pic :D CONGRATS ON THE AWARD :D
I LOVE calls, i want to get more but the person whos susposeadly going to get me them hasent its been about a month or so.... I think their mininess is amazing! Mine are bibed ones in the pic above :)
Heya Girl! They are very adorable duckies! Gratz on what you've achieved,keep it up. Oh,& welcome to the BYC Duckside

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