post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

My newly enlarged pond.
Very nice!
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My newly enlarged pond. I found out that the old pond liner I got for free is the hardest kind to glue together. I think I have it so it will hold water for now! The ducks tried to pull the seam apart at first, but they have forgotten about it now that it is covered with water.
I love it.
I found a really handy tool for only $1. It is a little kids butterfly net and it works great for skimming off the pond. It is super fine mesh on a long bamboo stick. It also will catch those swimming water bugs which my ducks are CRAZY for!
I took some photos this morning of the ponds we put in and two current duck/goose houses.

This is the first pond we dug and house we built. As to the pond, we are very lucky and have heavy clay soil, so didn't need a liner of any kind; only our tractor, loader bucket, and a few hours time.

Here is the smaller pond and larger house we put in this spring.

Some of the occupants of the houses and ponds...

And finally, my two broody ducks, who are in the first house shown. They are on day 10 of their nest sitting.
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Very Beautiful! You are so lucky to not have to deal with a pond liner.

Thank you: We really enjoy the ponds. The first one is in front of our house and we can see it clearly out our front windows. It is like having a personal waterfowl

As to the pond liner...Thank goodness, because we couldn't have afforded to put in a very big pond if we'd been forced to buy one: That stuff is REALLY expensive.

The second pond we dug didn't have nearly as much clay in the soil and lost water. So, we took some of the clay dirt from pond number one (had a pile left by the hay barn) and "lined" the second one with it: It loses an inch or so a week when we don't have rain, but I can live with that. The local pond shop said that eventually, the bottom would seal itself (though dead plant matter, etc) and the seepage would be drastically reduced.

Either way, having these sure beats the heck out of cleaning out three big kiddie pools 2-3 times a week!

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