Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

I wash before using and that is about all. If really dirty, I know it's time to clean up the nest (
and I will wash those. I just use them first most times. If I give eggs away, I put a sticker on the egg carton that says "Wash Before Using".
If the egg looks dirty, I wash it. If it looks clean, I don't.
We don't get enough eggs to feed them to the dogs or chickens (I know...selfish:).
I wash them because when we're cracking them into the mixing bowl to eat or bake with I don't particularly care to risk losing the whole batch of whatever (like chocolate chip cookies...mmmm) because some renegade poop or mud dropped from the shell into the bowl. Plus I just don't like the idea of having anyone's poop in my fridge evenif it's in the egg container. Different strokes.......
If I get a real dirty egg, it is washed and goes into the "broken" carton in the fridge. Any egg not fit for human consumption is boiled and refed back to the girls after being thoroughly crushed for them to eat.
If an egg is pristine, I use it and would resell it as is. If a smudge, I clean only that area if possible. I try not to wash the eggs if I can avoid it to not lose the protective bloom. If too smudgy, it goes into a wicker basket in the fridge for my own personal use. The egg customers get the best ones.
I wash my eggs when my girls get muddy feet on them- they all insist on laying in the same box- go figure. But you know, I have some people who won't accept my eggs because I don't wash them. Even the ones that are without muddy prints or poop.
I always rinse mine off mainly because I have DE in the nest boxes and occassionally sevin dust on the chickens. I thought I was suppose to wash that off. Would someone please correct me if that isn't right.

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