Post if you have chicks right now and/or waiting for some.

I'm waiting impatiently for 8 chicks to arrive but they won't be here until MAY. May is forever away. I've wanted chickens for 12 years, so the wait shouldn't be too bad, but now that I'm actually able to have them, time is dragging by. And people at work are sick of hearing about it, but eager for eggs.

But, I'll have time to be really ready, and read up on problems people have had so I'll know how to handle them.

Oh, I forgot the breeds:
2 black australorps
2 buff orpingtons
2 golden laced wyandottes
2 silver laced wyandottes
(all pullets)

I'm worried that they'll arrive in bad shape, or incorrectly sexed, or just not arrive at all, but I worry about everything. I'm going to a chicken show this month to make some contacts so maybe I can have some local sources as a backup if any of my worst worries actually happen!
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What didn't you like about the Barnevelders?
They are one of the breeds I am considering getting, interested in your experience.
I have 2 buff orpingtons, 2 barred rocks and 2 easter eggers scheduled to arrive at the feed store on March 27th.

This will be my family's second year getting chicks. Last year, we got 4 Rhode Island Reds and 4 buff orpingtons. Over time, we have lost 4 (to neighborhood owls), but we still have 3 Rhode Island Reds and 1 buff orpington, and they are doing great!

We won't move the new group of babies in with the older ladies until they are old enough to lay eggs and eat layer pellets. But we will probably let the two groups co-mingle during their hour of late afternoon free range when the babies get to be, oh, maybe four months old or so...
4 of my banatm Buttercup eggs have begun to develop. Not a very good average. Bought 12. 1 broken in shipping and the others that didn't develop were scrambled in shipping. They are due to hatch on the 28th.
The new chick is now in with the week old bantam Moderns, and thriving quite well. It has one little Modern friends that it spends most of its time with.

My ee mutt is slated to hatch on the 20th.
Waiting, and waiting and waiting . . . on 12 chicks from Ideal. They shipped yesterday but didn't come in on the express truck this morning. The post office staff is very nice and assure me they will take good care of them when they get there and call me right away. It's soooo hard to be patient! Probably they won't be here 'til tomorrow morning (I hope!). I am really worried 'cause the temps here took a nosedive yesterday. Please think healthy happy chick vibes for me!
rhondapiper - You're right - MAY IS FOREVER to wait! Hang in there...even if you make the people at work sick with chicken talk - that's normal around this site!

thechickonthehill - sending good vibes your way - praying your chicks get there safe and sound today!!
My brooder is ready to go. I have 12 (plus a mystery chick) coming from McMurray the first week in April. They should be in the bator any day if they aren't already. On my list I have 2 each of: golden laced Wyandottes, partridge Cochins, golden Hamburgs, black Australorps, Araucanas, and Light Brahma.

I have a second order ready for May for a Mille Fleur d'Uccle bantam, an Antwerp Bearded Belgian, 2 Marans, and 2 White Leghorns.

I'm also thinking of getting a roo but I think my mystery chick is likely to be one. I hope its one that can keep up with the big girls. I wonder if I'll have to worry about the banties getting hurt with a big roo. I'll have enough girls to keep one guy busy.

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