Post is not showing up? - Buy Sell Trade - Change to topic order

i am a member of another forum that does not alow bumping untill a certin duration of time has passed. 6 hrs to be exact.

I think that would be a MUCH better resolution to the constant upping of posts...but at the same time..still give people the right to bring their topic to the top of the forum in hopes of buying/selling/ or tradeing. It's simple really. Make a new B/S/T thread....from there the user will no longer have the ability up "bump" their thread untill the 6 hours has passed. Then once your thread has the green light..bump! In between the 6 hours...if the thread has a new post within the first 2 hours..the title get's a "BOLD" coloring. This way people know there are new post's in that thread...insted of just searching through the countless pages of threads..looking for recent posts.

Just my 2 cent's...hope some people will agree with me.
I like the idea of the BOLD coloring.
I always like to check out what's hot on the first page.... what people are talking about.
Makes me interested and want to impulse buy lol, but I understand not wanting to have people cheat by bumping too......
Personally I think that, with it the way it is now, this will cause a lot more re-posting of threads, rather than bumping. Since the thread won't be moved to the top if it gets a response, the seller will just have 3, 4, 5, 10...whatever...different posts, all selling the same thing
It's bothering the crud out of me because it's showing that I have unread posts in BST but I can't find where the heck that is after having looked through 5 pages. I guess I'll just mark that forum as read.
How will this affect listings advertising on-going sales (e.g. mealworms
)? Will re-posting be allowed then?

It would be nice if there were some mechanism to allow visibility for on-going sales.

Oh, something else I wanted to mention . . . I think it is useful to continue to allow comments to be added to a listing post, because that feedback can be helpful for other potential customers.

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