Post Phoenix Pics Please

Hi I am new to Phoenixes and I have a question about my little cockerel,he is 5 weeks old and is losing his tail feathers,and some wing feathers. I still have him and 2 pullets inside in the brooder since they are so small. I should mention I have silver bantams. I am baffled about why he is losing feathers. Any suggestions on why and how I can help rectify his feather loss? They are on medicated chick starter. They get a scrambled egg mixed in with their feed every other day,they get lots of treats and plenty of time in the tractor in the mornings and evenings. Is this something common that happens? Am I not feeding them right? The pullets are fine no loss of feathers but his it is like if you look at his tail or wings wrong a feather falls out.
Molting at 5 weeks old? Is that normal? I should have mentioned that I also have their dad who is about a year old,the breeder we bought the chicks from was going to eat the dad because he was aggressive towards them and my husband said that he was too pretty to be Sunday dinner so he brought him home for free. I would have been aggressive too if you seen the conditions he was living in,they had a coop about 4 feet tall and poor Gene couldn't roost anywhere without his tail being stepped on by the others in the coop. Let me tell you Gene has never once shown any aggression towards us he loves his 8 foot high roost and is king of the coop! He even hops into my lap for some loving and stays by my side when I am doing chicken chores. He even allows my 5 year old son to pick him up,he gripes for a second then just enjoys it. He is currently in a mixed flock of teenagers while the Phoenix coop and run is being built. As you can see his poor tail feathers are in a little disarray,and my plan is by next year is to show him,and hopefully beat his previous owner with the bird he was planning on eating. I love this rooster to pieces and he trusts me and I trust him. We seem to have a bond with one another.

Horrible morning this morning woke up about 5 am to find one of my chicks dead,was active the day before eating drinking playing and then BAM dead this morning,it was the chick who was moulting. Now I am down to 2 little pullets. I am unsure what happened,wish I knew though.

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