Post Phoenix Pics Please

thank you!
Here's one of my silver phoenix rooster and hen

What I love about them is that the hen is kind of shy but when I free range them the hen will usually come running up to me shy waiting for me to throw some food but she is friendly so is the rooster they're really shy the rooster too but when I grab them the will stay on my arms for as long as I want them too the hen (at least mine) is more lady like cause she wont let another rooster get on top of her to maid except my phoenix rooster she will let him get on top of her to maid so she is more like a lady

I don't think that there is anything I don't like about them they're one of my favorite ones I got in my backyard I love the rooster's crow
Can anyone post pictures of Phoenixes with the correct body type? I have two hens that are tall(ish) and gamey looking, two that are very small and short to the ground but look sorta like OEGBs (they aren't. I'm referring to body build) and one who is just, Phoenix looking. She has a long tail where the others is spread out but kinda long and she looks like my rooster in body type. Him and that hen are hard to explain.
Here is one
rooster hen

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