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Ooh, she's pretty. I have some with similar coloring, but also have some mille fleur patches on their chest, from my jubilee project. I believe it is due to the pattern gene.
but where would the pattern come from? does it just appear? I do not know much about chicken genetics. she can go to someone if they have a project going on. otherwise she can stay here and lay eggs. when she hatched they said it would probably molt out but it looks pretty permanent to me.
2 of my cute little buff over blue chicks from jimmythechicken! I like them! not great for breeding im sure, but I like anyway!

Wow very different! She is very pretty! It will be interesting to see her mature more and go through a molt
Another BYC'r on here showed me a young pullet and I swear it was a partridge and now I'm really thinking I may have been right but, only time will tell.
Go back a few pages and see your White Orp/Blue Orp cross. See the cuckoo? lol
wow they look great we have not had to many blue buff chicks.we have hatched alot off black buffs look just like the pullet before yours

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