Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

I was called at 6:30 this morning by our post office, the chicks had come! and the night before I got an e-mail at about 7:00 PM saying that they had shipped, I ordered nine, ended up with 25! one DOA, but the 24 that are living are happy and seemingly healthy, only one seems to have slight breathing problems, I ordered two silkies, one of which happened to be dead, and i'm praying that the fillers they sent aren't ALL male! I already have two roosters in my flock! Overall I am happy with the service, and may order from ideal poultry again.
Some of my Ideal chicks...been here 5 wks yesterday (2/19). Barred Rock (both sexes), Black Australorp (both), White Rock pullets, & straight run Ameraucana. I think I figured out of the 77 received I still have 69.
Some of my Ideal chicks...been here 5 wks yesterday (2/19). Barred Rock (both sexes), Black Australorp (both), White Rock pullets, & straight run Ameraucana. I think I figured out of the 77 received I still have 69.
Mine are the same age and yours looker much larger. What do you feed them?
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Mine are the same age and yours looker much larger.  What do you feed them?

Chick starter crumbles, free choice, I think they're medicated (more like assume)--I'll check on that. I try to not let them run out. I also occasionally put vitamins/electrolytes or medication in their water. I've done the water treatments only once each with clean water between each of the treatments. They started off in brooder pens off the ground & we just moved them to this big pen almost 2 weeks ago. Honestly, some of them seem a little fluffy, so I'm not sure if its health or its because it was really windy here today. I may medicate water again next watering depending in how they look.
I feed medicated starter, too. Just started the second bag last week. I also pull grass and throw it to them (not a lot) but the mom would be taking them out to free range and they love it. Ours are in a new coop all by themselves. It's a 10x16 storage building with a vinyl floor covered in wood shavings.
The first 3 weeks they were taken in by a broody hen we had. After three weeks she started acting restless in the coop and started pecking the chicks so I removed her. They adjusted just fine without her.
I ordered again last week when they had their surprise pullet sale. The entire box was dead at the post office. So I ordered replacements for this week to be delivered and the entire box was dead again. I didn't want to take another chance so I just got a refund. I just don't understand getting a whole dead box twice. I have ordered mail order chicks lots of times and I never experienced this. Usually if any die they are flattened by the others in the box. This was just a box of dead chicks and no flattened ones. It is very disappointing. I really wanted those too.
I want to order some chics from ideal but I need some advice what is the hen/roo ration normally just on an average??
I want to order some chics from ideal but I need some advice what is the hen/roo ration normally just on an average??
I have ordered from Ideal a number of times. Mostly just pullets and have never had a mis-sexed chick. I did order straight run Bantams recently and got an exact 50/50 split between males and females. Depending on the time of year and the weather and the size of your order they will include "packing peanuts" which are male chicks for warmth. I suspect a lot of the dead chicks being delivered recently from Ideal and other hatcheries is due to the really bad winter we have been having nationwide. Good luck with you chicks.

And, I have never had a dead chick in an Ideal order. All have lived and are producing beautiful eggs.
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I want to order some chics from ideal but I need some advice what is the hen/roo ration normally just on an average??

I personally can't offer much input other than this most recent order: of my 10 straight run Ameraucanas, we're pretty sure there's 3 roos to 7 pullets, but with straight run, there's really no way to tell what you end up with, as far as I know.

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