Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

I love Ideals customer service. I always got extras in case of loss, plus box warmers...lot's of box warmers!

I didn't read this whole thread so I'm sorry if someone already said this but They have some VERY NICE Buff Laced Polish!!

My Mother & I split an order with a family friend a few years back & she ordered some BL Polish... Lo & behold one of her roo's (Elvis) took first in a few shows & had to beat more then a few to win 1st. All her BL Polish were gorgeous!

But nearly all hatcheries breed quantity over quality.

~ Della ~
Here are my IDEAL chicks.

Blue Cochin Bantam (A few days old)

1 Day old Polish chicks.


7 Cochin Bantams in the brooder. (1 week old)

Polish chicks. Gold Laced and White Crested Black. (A few days old)

Polish chicks sleeping. (3 weeks old)

Now that I've been reading a lot about chickens and looking at show photos, I realize that my Silver Laced polish are not too nicely laced, the black and silver is more splashed all over, not genuinely lacing. But I only want yard birds, and don't plan to show, or breed, so I don't mind. I just want to enjoy my birds as they are. I think they are lovely, even tho the lacing is not perfect.

Polish chicks and Cochin bantam chicks sleeping.

The Cochin bantams are smallish, but I don't know how to compare, since these are my first Cochin bantams. They are at an awkward stage of growing where they look odd and have feathers all poking through the tubes, and a mix of baby feathers and adult feathers. I can't wait to see them grow up.

I ordered 10 Silkies from Ideal and they are to arrive on this Wed/Thur, and I also ordered 10 more Silkie females from MyPetChicken. I want to compare the quality from both these hatcheries for interest sake, and will post the pics up here when I have both batches. Will try to give a side by side comparison. I paid a lot for shipping for MPC so we'll see if the quality of their chicks justifies the super shipping cost.
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