Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

Here are some Barnevelders

One of these girls is from a GREAT breeder here in BYC the other is from Ideal, can you tell which is which

This girl is from Ideal, I am really happy with body and lacing, just wish her legs were more yellow.

Over all, pretty happy with my babies from Ideal. My speckled sussex (in a previous post) will never win a show but they are the sweetest guys I have. The Barnies from Ideal are very pretty. They could use some work, but are a GREAT start.
actually no they do not, i have a friend in alaska that ordered them and got EE's every one of them from both of those hatcheries she went with a breeder she found on here.
"The Ameraucana Breeders Club defines
an Easter Egg chicken, or Easter Egger,
as a bird that possesses the blue egg gene,
but doesn’t fully meet the breed description
as defined in the APA standards. Further,
even if a bird (that possesses the blue egg
gene) meets the APA standards breed
description, but doesn’t meet a
variety description or breed
true at least 50% of the time it
is considered an Easter Egg chicken.
birds that do not fully meet the ameracauna
standard but may still be purebreds are EE's
due to faults in standard"
so to me i kind of view the Ideal "Ameracauna" as a dog show person would a 50% white pembroke corgi with incorrect ears and body (usually from breeding without looking at the standard or attempting to keep it, aka BYB bred ) it may still be a purebred but it sure doesnt look like it. EE to me doesnt necessarily mean mutt to me it means "pet quality" it doesnt meet enough of the standard to make it in the ring. BUT judging from another link they do indeed breed true to about 50% there is a link if i can get my internet working to a thread about "ideal ameracaunas aka EE's they have a fault of some sort that makes them an EE but they still breed true..they all bare the same marked resemblance but different colors.
i have 2 from Ideal one with slate legs the other with green , both with beards and muffs now they arrived september 26th < all of those EE ' bare a remarkable resemblance i would even say they breed true to above 50%
i already know all this info and they just started selling them and they aren't available till next year which will be the first year they will have them
and they do cost a pretty penny ($15 per chick). what color do they resemable? i dont see them resemblance that much....ask what those in the ameraucana thread what they think of them you wont like what you hear over there....thats an enter at your own risk forum at times lol
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well i dont think all of my birds had off feather or off lets play nice shall we =] im very happy about my bantam cochins and the main fault i see with my uccles is that the male has a bit much white but thanks for the heads up on the sultans!
some of the people that have ordered from ideal as you can see towards the beginning won in shows with ideal birds not saying all are show Q but it happens occasionally, and not saying cackle might not have better quality in certain breeds just saying lets not lump everyone into the "your so bad its not funny" basket this thread and what i like about it is it shows the general quality of the specific breeds that come from their. in general i have noted the cochin bantams seem very nice so i ordered them, the d'uccles i have seen also seemed very nice a few with the color faults i saw but took the risk not especially worried by it.
my orpingtons , minorcas and giants also turned out wonderful.
you had a bad experience, don't take it out on others. have you/did you call ideal to report the abnormal amount of deaths? they have from what i have seen always been good about replacements and if you call and ask will even tell you what "random" breeds are in your assortment.
not trying to come off wrong but i was a bit offended , thanks =)
the duel purpose breeds turn out alright as for my d'uccle and cochins they are iffy black mottled cochin has to much white on his chest and not enough on his body and feathering on all of them is in-proper not even fluffy like they should be (blk mottled, white, red, and partridge). the d'uccle's lack in beards and have to big of wattles. my black breasted game has some red on his chest that shouldn't be there but over all is fine but my millie has always had way to much white even at a young age. my golden neck d'uccle cockerel has black on him. my polish is ok but lacing could be better. my light brahma is iffy. but this is me and everyone has their own opinions be it good or bad. like reading reviews, so i had a horrible exprince this time around it doesn't mean i wont order from them again though.

i to have had some win in shows but those are only parish fairs that my kids participate in, thus do not count as actual APA and ABA shows.

i'm sorry you felt offended but i gave an honest review of their stock we received this time and there is not a thing wrong with that. i'm not going to sugar coat a bad experience and it wasn't even bad it was horrible. ideal is not a bad hatchery though but i have read enough in the first few pages that would detour me away from ideal from very bad typed birds to those that are very weak and small. others recommend cackle,whelp, and mcmurray. i am not the only one that has given a bad review on an order if you think i am then you really need to go and read like the first 10 i am not trying to be mean at all just saying i am not the only one

i have not gotten an assortment from them but wouldn't need to call and ask them what i had if i did get one though as i wouldn't have that many breeds to choose from.

i will be ordering snowy calls, cayuga, and mallards from them and i will give another honest review of them as well when i do get them....i have 2 of their crested cayuga, one has turned out lovely but needs a work while the other is just pet quality wouldn't even put him in a breeding program. my 2 mallards have also turned out great and my son one grand champ with one of the them. though a lot of the post i have read thus far makes me wonder if i should even put my money in this or go to a different hatchery, weak, fragile, small ducklings....hoping i don't get these ducklings

if you are looking to show in shows that aren't 4-h related anyone on here will tell do not buy from hatchery but instead spend the money on buying from a breeder and i do believe in that as the differences between the stock is day and night.

i will post pics of my birds from ideal at a later date
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the duel purpose breeds turn out alright as for my d'uccle and cochins they are iffy black mottled cochin has to much white on his chest and not enough on his body and feathering on all of them is in-proper not even fluffy like they should be (blk mottled, white, red, and partridge). the d'uccle's lack in beards and have to big of wattles. my black breasted game has some red on his chest that shouldn't be there but over all is fine but my millie has always had way to much white even at a young age. my golden neck d'uccle cockerel has black on him. my polish is ok but lacing could be better. my light brahma is iffy. but this is me and everyone has their own opinions be it good or bad. like reading reviews, so i had a horrible exprince this time around it doesn't mean i wont order from them again though.

i to have had some win in shows but those are only parish fairs that my kids participate in, thus do not count as actual APA and ABA shows.

i'm sorry you felt offended but i gave an honest review of their stock we received this time and there is not a thing wrong with that. i'm not going to sugar coat a bad experience and it wasn't even bad it was horrible. ideal is not a bad hatchery though but i have read enough in the first few pages that would detour me away from ideal from very bad typed birds to those that are very weak and small. others recommend cackle,whelp, and mcmurray. i am not the only one that has given a bad review on an order if you think i am then you really need to go and read like the first 10 i am not trying to be mean at all just saying i am not the only one

i have not gotten an assortment from them but wouldn't need to call and ask them what i had if i did get one though as i wouldn't have that many breeds to choose from.

i will be ordering snowy calls, cayuga, and mallards from them and i will give another honest review of them as well when i do get them....i have 2 of their crested cayuga, one has turned out lovely but needs a work while the other is just pet quality wouldn't even put him in a breeding program. my 2 mallards have also turned out great and my son one grand champ with one of the them. though a lot of the post i have read thus far makes me wonder if i should even put my money in this or go to a different hatchery, weak, fragile, small ducklings....hoping i don't get these ducklings

if you are looking to show in shows that aren't 4-h related anyone on here will tell do not buy from hatchery but instead spend the money on buying from a breeder and i do believe in that as the differences between the stock is day and night.

i will post pics of my birds from ideal at a later date

Well, to be fair, your first draft of what you said was actually directly offensive to people as you were criticizing their actual birds, however, you edited it and it reads much better. I can see why people were offended having read both versions though.

If you are going to order waterfowl, I'd go with Metzer's or Holderreads. I wasn't aware anyone shipped juvenile call ducks...Metzers for good service and decent to good quality and Holderreads for show quality.

I actually don't have any hatchery birds, mine are all from local breeders, mostly because my girls show. I'm not opposed to getting some in the future though.
my first post wasn't criticizing anyones birds but my own that were received this time around and how poor they were as a whole from ideal i just edited it to make it clearer and i did use mine and my to indcate that they where my birds and if it was left i went back to add it or reread it but i don't always do that nor get the chance to right off the bat though i try to. though reading all the stories about them including an illness outbreak is shocking. i have read a lot of reviews before and never have seen so many negaitive things about one place as i do with ideal.

i think almost any hatchery will ship ducklings but i have yet to find snowy mallards anywheres else but here. i have yet to find a breeder of snowy mallards though i have looked for months. if you do know anyone that does i would love to know as is the same with the other 2 breeds along with welsh harliquins but i refuse to get these from ideal and will probably get those along with some more mallards and cayuga from cackle.

for now my kids show them for 4-h so eveyone is good for now but come next year they will be shown in the central louisiana poultry clubs shows.
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you did actually "all of these birds in the pictures just reinforces that ideal birds really do suck" good job editing btw... you did go on to mock the own quality of stock you received but to target others was offensive..only think i dont like about the edit option and the barnavelders are dang close. beauties !

ADD: also i did not intend to mean COLOR was what they had in common but conformation which i thought i made clear BUT it could have been worded wrong.

been under stress trying to get my dog ready for the show this weekend. crazy judge to day dismissed 3 dogs then turned to the crowd and asked "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS BREED!?" tacky judge didn't like puppies i pulled my dog myself he was having an allergic reaction to a spider bite and wasnt worth putting him through it.
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the barnavelders are dang close. beauties !
Thanks, I really like them. The ones from Ideal, are very pretty, they have full black heads not a hint of brown, but their legs are not as yellow as I would like. I think they all add something to the group.

IMHO, you can sometimes get show quality from Hatchiers, and you can get poor quality from a GREAT breeder. You increase your odds of each by going the other way. When I bought the Ideal birds, I got them for laying properties. Figured the Ideal Barnies would give me more eggs but still look decent in the flock. I was however, pleasantly surprised to how nice they turned out. On the flip side, like I said, my White Rock and Speckled Sussex, turned out to be very "pet quality", but again, they have great personalities and lay great eggs. Overall, happy with my group.

Keep the pictures coming!!!!!

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