Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

Some of these were taken a few weeks ago. My three oldest, an EE, Speckled Sussex, and Brown Leghorn are much bigger than pictured. But I love them all nonetheless. Below are the three oldest, all bought at the same time. I've wanted a SS for years and finally ran across one! I'm slacking on naming them all this year, but my little EE is named Omaha.

(Below)- my 6 CC's 8-9 weeks ago. They're almost ready to butcher now. It's gonna be hard. Fatty, my Roo, was always such a good model.

(below) This was taken 2 weeks ago. The chicks were all ordered from Cackle Hatchery and sadly, only 2 look to be what I actually ordered. The Welsummers look right, however, the Cuckoo Marans have no cukoo patterning on their feathers (which are much longer now) and I suspect are Australorps. My Buff Orps are red mixes, but someone was kind enough to buy me a BO when they ran across them. Also got a cute little Ancona and Khaki duckling.

(below) 3-4 weeks ago, just my oldest set of peepers. My ducks are runner/pekin mixes (males) judging from their brown fawn coloring and one which seems to be mostly pekin with a few black feathers on her tail.

Total chick count for the year....
2 "cuckoo marans"- Australorps
2 Buff mixes
2 Welsummers
1 Buff
1 brown leghorn
1 speckled sussex
1 EE
6 CC
8 ducklings (2 runner mixes, 1 pekin, 1 ancona, 1 khaki, 1 cayuga)
16 chicks
8 ducklings. Most I've ever gotten in one year. whew~I'm not addicted I promise.
The girls (about 4 weeks old): SLW (Gerdy), Barred Rock (Talulah), Rhode Island Red (Charlotte), and Black Australorp (Mitzy). The boy: Zumie, my Jack Russel....he wanted to share his water with them :)

My chicks are getting big!

But they are scared of the camera, so clear photos are nearly impossible!

...Until I learned to keep v-e-r-y s-t-i-l-l, until they forgot the camera was there...

My Ameraucana babies!

They hatched two days ago except for the lighter one on the right, which I assisted yesterday. These were my first eggs incubating and I got really lucky to get 4 out of 7!

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