post your chicken coop pictures here!

Built our coop from pallets I drove around and picked up. It has the run included all in a 9x11 space. The cantilever is where the roost and nesting boxes are located.
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LOL! Yes that's what I did too! I put one roost up really high for the "guineas" and then the chickens took it over. So I put another one up and then the guineas laid claim to that one. Over time the guineas have been trying to take over the other high roost again too!

Same here. consequentially I put my roost up at five feet high. for everyone. If I had higher roof Id put em up higher. Even the big birds use em. For the big birds though i have interemediat perches... Because they start out as fledglings learning to fly up is a way to get the big birds fit.

I watched them get down and it took about eight feet of furious flappin... So thats where I put the deepest bedding. My ground is hard and I didnt want to risk foot injury ... I never have had a case of bumble foot... Knock on wood.

Even one out of two of my slikey roos could get up on his saw horse which was about thirty inches off the ground. The other boy liked his kennel house.
Our Chicks like their new home All made from wood pallets and metal roof from my hubby's job. His boss told him he can have as much wood or steel as he wants for free. We paid for hardware and screws and nails. The chicks are so happy. They played in the run for hours. Love how Piper is beginning to learn his name. Lol I did all the painting and art work myself. Lol
Good job... and so cute... And when Chicken math takes over you have a source of builting materials for a chicken coop room addition....
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coop is completed. Yayy Side door so they can get out and roam in the yard.
Welcome to BYC! hope you enjoy it here!

Do you have some type of ramp for them to get back up inside? or maybe a 1/2 way height step? That seems like a pretty steep angle they'd have to fly up to get inside. and a ramp in that short a length run would also be pretty steep for them to climb. Coming out, their glide slope will probably cause them to hit the screen opposite the pop door also... Have you seen this happen? Hope it all works out for you
Welcome to BYC! hope you enjoy it here!

Do you have some type of ramp for them to get back up inside? or maybe a 1/2 way height step? That seems like a pretty steep angle they'd have to fly up to get inside. and a ramp in that short a length run would also be pretty steep for them to climb. Coming out, their glide slope will probably cause them to hit the screen opposite the pop door also... Have you seen this happen? Hope it all works out for you
I have a ramp. I am letting the paint dry before I put it. Birds need a way to get to bed at night. (Lol)
Literally just took this picture. This is their set up right now. They are still coming in at night though to the garage (just 4 foot plywood pieces on one end and maybe 3? 4? Foot cardboard boxes on other wall, a little small now.) but I'm going to try to add the hardware cloth skirt and/or a roof today because like I mentioned the other is now a bit small and I have to clean it again even though I recently did so just easier if they stay out. Stresses them being caught 2 times a day too.


We just set up the dog kennel the other day and took the previous run off the coop which was rather small, only going just past the ramp.

The coop is a kit from TSC, we got it on black Friday. It's not going to be big enough for all of them (despite what dad and brother say) but will work for now OR will just but more kennel panels or cattle panels and make a massive run.

Anyway, they LOVE it once I get them outside. I added the logs today but no interest so far.

You can't see but I propped both the back run door and the back coop door open. The run door has been open since putting the dog kennel up so they can run and fly straight through without interruption but the coop door was just opened. They really never went in the coop part until yesterday when two did and even then it wasn't many. Now that the back door is open they all seem to like going in.

The ramp was steep so I put it on two bricks. May still be steep though and that could be why they don't go in that way much. They do hang out on the ramp though.

Anyway, they turned 7 weeks old yesterday and were in the house until 3 weeks when they moved out to the garage and will hopefully be moving outside permanently soon.

I'll get more pictures later.

They love all the room though and dust bathing. They love that.

Literally just took this picture. This is their set up right now. They are still coming in at night though to the garage (just 4 foot plywood pieces on one end and maybe 3? 4? Foot cardboard boxes on other wall, a little small now.) but I'm going to try to add the hardware cloth skirt and/or a roof today because like I mentioned the other is now a bit small and I have to clean it again even though I recently did so just easier if they stay out. Stresses them being caught 2 times a day too.


We just set up the dog kennel the other day and took the previous run off the coop which was rather small, only going just past the ramp.

The coop is a kit from TSC, we got it on black Friday. It's not going to be big enough for all of them (despite what dad and brother say) but will work for now OR will just but more kennel panels or cattle panels and make a massive run.

Anyway, they LOVE it once I get them outside. I added the logs today but no interest so far.

You can't see but I propped both the back run door and the back coop door open. The run door has been open since putting the dog kennel up so they can run and fly straight through without interruption but the coop door was just opened. They really never went in the coop part until yesterday when two did and even then it wasn't many. Now that the back door is open they all seem to like going in.

The ramp was steep so I put it on two bricks. May still be steep though and that could be why they don't go in that way much. They do hang out on the ramp though.

Anyway, they turned 7 weeks old yesterday and were in the house until 3 weeks when they moved out to the garage and will hopefully be moving outside permanently soon.

I'll get more pictures later.

They love all the room though and dust bathing. They love that.

very nice. In my mind I am already looking forward to building or buying a bigger coop. I would like a few more chickens. Shhh, Don't tell my hubby. Ha ha ha

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