post your chicken coop pictures here!

My latest Ark built for the smaller back garden here in northern Ireland. Its 6x3 feet.

Everything wide open

the nesting box

My father's Ark sitting on a raised bed for growing vegetables, ready for the winter.
After seeing some of these beautiful coops, (nice enough for me to live in), I'm ashamed of the one I built. I'm drooling and dreaming. Good jobs everyone!
I sure would hope you are not ashamed of anything you have built !! Sounds like you have your hands full. I can't understand how you do it all. I would be so proud if I were you to have been able to finish anything that was good enough to house your chickens! I want so badly to finish a cheap run and can't manage that. I would have been able to have what I do had it not been for my brother in law who is hand with carpentry/licensed electrician/plumber! Please take care of yourself! Usually the caregiver is the last one on that list!!! know what I mean. You are living where my hubby would love to live..out in the middle of nowhere ...a ways from any neighbor....!
I sure would hope you are not ashamed of anything you have built !! Sounds like you have your hands full. I can't understand how you do it all. I would be so proud if I were you to have been able to finish anything that was good enough to house your chickens! I want so badly to finish a cheap run and can't manage that. I would have been able to have what I do had it not been for my brother in law who is hand with carpentry/licensed electrician/plumber! Please take care of yourself! Usually the caregiver is the last one on that list!!! know what I mean. You are living where my hubby would love to live..out in the middle of nowhere ...a ways from any neighbor....!

Thank you so much. Encouragement is always welcome. I'm working on plans for more building for a meat flock in the spring. I love all the BYC photos and ideas. We love being in the middle of nowhere, but my family thinks we're crazy. Mainly because we are 2 hours from the nearest hospital.
Thank you so much. Encouragement is always welcome. I'm working on plans for more building for a meat flock in the spring. I love all the BYC photos and ideas. We love being in the middle of nowhere, but my family thinks we're crazy. Mainly because we are 2 hours from the nearest hospital.
Well, the distance to the hospital is something to think about but its like I told someone... if I were to die tonight (and I'm in decent,not perfect health),,I am doing what I want to do and I was happy when I please be happy for me and celebrate the life I choose to matter what you thought of it.
I have lived long enough to know to tell people to go for what they want out of life, as long as its what you both want....If your hubby is happy with where he is even with his O2....then enjoy what time you have left. If he goes before you and you like where you are even being single....stay there and do your thing!! I have some regrets but I've learned to live each day with something "I" want to do in chickens!! My hubby isn't a fan of them but he loves me and wants me to have my happiness too. he's so great and since my grown son and daughter have animals/chickens...they understand. My daughter has: 2 mules broke to pull a wagon, one mule broke to saddle, 2 horses..both broke to saddle (one is a rescue so they are nurturing her), 2 jennies with little girl foals, 1 jack, chickens/guinesses, and 2 boxers....oh yea, a small herd of cows (building)...probably about 25 now. She is a 4-H leader and my granddaughter raises and shows a lamb each yr. ..might take her 60lb frame and show a steer next year..LOL So we all are doing our thing and not knocking the others. I know your families have concerns but hopefully they will honor your desires to live life your way.
Well, the distance to the hospital is something to think about but its like I told someone... if I were to die tonight (and I'm in decent,not perfect health),,I am doing what I want to do and I was happy when I please be happy for me and celebrate the life I choose to matter what you thought of it.
I have lived long enough to know to tell people to go for what they want out of life, as long as its what you both want....If your hubby is happy with where he is even with his O2....then enjoy what time you have left. If he goes before you and you like where you are even being single....stay there and do your thing!! I have some regrets but I've learned to live each day with something "I" want to do in chickens!! My hubby isn't a fan of them but he loves me and wants me to have my happiness too. he's so great and since my grown son and daughter have animals/chickens...they understand. My daughter has: 2 mules broke to pull a wagon, one mule broke to saddle, 2 horses..both broke to saddle (one is a rescue so they are nurturing her), 2 jennies with little girl foals, 1 jack, chickens/guinesses, and 2 boxers....oh yea, a small herd of cows (building)...probably about 25 now. She is a 4-H leader and my granddaughter raises and shows a lamb each yr. ..might take her 60lb frame and show a steer next year..LOL So we all are doing our thing and not knocking the others. I know your families have concerns but hopefully they will honor your desires to live life your way.

My hubby isn't a fan of my chickens, (or might be the crowing rooster), either, but likes the fresh eggs. He doesn't know I will be building another coop and run and getting 25-50 new chicks to raise for meat. Oh dear, and some will be cocks in the straight runs. LOL. Of course all the care, building, and butchering will be up to me to do. Can't wait till he tastes fresh home grown chicken instead of store bought. We've been living out here for 8 years now and both love it. No noise, no close neighbors, no rules, no city lights, just the moon and stars at night. I'd never move back to a town or city even if I were single. Hubby gets liquid oxygen delivery every week plus some portable tanks so he can go to town with me if he wants to. (We used to have a couple of horses a few years back and I sure miss them and the smell). I'm glad we have supportive husbands that want us to be happy!

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