post your chicken coop pictures here!

Wonder if this or similar would work? I just remembered I bought it for my cat this fall. Best box we've ever had, imo. It is a bit pricey though, forgot about that, but I figured the girls might like the privacy of the high sides? And unlike most high sided boxes it also has a lower front but not so low they can fling shavings out. Speaking of which, maybe the high sides would prevent that too? And maybe it'd be easy to clean? Wondering if I could find a cheaper version though or even just a regular plastic tray not necessarily a litter box or if I should fork over the money? We only have 8 girls so would only need 2 or 3. Whst do you think @MeepBeep ?
Back to the Rubber floor coating, we have marine plywood on the floors, one was painted on both sides before installing it. Been reading all info shared, just wondering if I do it how to keep birds safe if I get it on too thick and it doesn't dry before dark. Sounds like a Saturday project when I have a free Saturday.
Thompson water seal is horrible, the only thing it's good for is repeat business when the customer needs to have their deck or fence re-sealed every few months as that is about how long it actually last if it last that long... When I did construction it was a running joke, at how well they sold and continue to sell such a horrible product to homeowners...

Glad I read this as I was about to put it down on my duck house floor. I used rustoleum truck bed liner paint for the inside of my chicken coop. I guess I'll just use that.
That's funny! I like this one. I thought of the extension idea as well. Originally thought I'd get only 3 hens so we'll see? Maybe adding a fourth room-wise might not have been the smartest, but so far everyone seems happy with a lot of room to spare in the roost. They all bunch up and take about a foot or so of it. I'm trying to get the bottom of my fences (which are too high) chicken wired so I can let them roam the backyard some. Best of luck with yours. Show me when you expand, if you do.
Well if all goes as planed I will be moving 29 of my 40+ chicks outside today or tomorrow. Yeah!!!! Just have to move the last Roos to a new home and clean up the area. I'm going to pull down that old store bought piece of crap and revamp it. Add a few roost bars and reinforce everything. They don't need a best box yet. Only 5 weeks old
Back to the Rubber floor coating, we have marine plywood on the floors, one was painted on both sides before installing it. Been reading all info shared, just wondering if I do it how to keep birds safe if I get it on too thick and it doesn't dry before dark. Sounds like a Saturday project when I have a free Saturday.

I used the Blackjack #57 in both my coops on plywood floors during construction before all the walls were completed, so plenty of air flow. I placed it down thick and the outside temp was mid to upper 60s. As I finished, a rain squall moved through leaving a puddle on one of the floors. The entire thing was dry in about 4 hours. If you do the floor when the temp is in the 70s and have good air flow, it will be dry in 1/2 a day. There's no odor or off-gassing to worry about as it's water based. You can see pictures of what I did in my coop link in the signature.

I suggest you kick the birds out in the morning & open any/all windows/doors for air flow. Clean the floor as best you can and give it a couple of hours to "dry out" before applying the product. The floor will have moisture and it's good to get rid of what you can before you start. If you apply it around noon and let it dry till dinner time, you will be able to throw down some pine chips and let the birds back in to roost overnight.

Qualification* Make SURE you have the stuff completely mixed as one ingredient will settle to the bottom and thicken. I had the paint dept at Lowes shake it... TWICE in their paint shaker machine to ensure it was all mixed, and then mixed it again with a large paint stir stick when I opened it. If it's not well mixed, it will never dry and you'll have a heck of a mess.
That's a great idea, certainly seems like an organized system. And your kids or grandkids? :)

Sorry though, know you were talking to gpeters3.

Its a forum, we talk to anyone who wants to listen:) i tried and tried and tried to post a pic on my tablet but someone decided to update software and now nothing works so hre i am on my phone and im going to try again.....
Its a forum, we talk to anyone who wants to listen:) i tried and tried and tried to post a pic on my tablet but someone decided to update software and now nothing works so hre i am on my phone and im going to try again.....

Thanks :)

And sorry the picture thing isn't working :(

It seems to always work for me, I am on mobile too. Although sometimes it takes forever to load so it doesn't post but then I just leave and come back. I'm sure you know all this but I just hit the little photo icon and hit upload from my device and choose documents (your phone might be different than mine but mine has documents aka pictures you already took and camera aka take a new photo right now) and choose one and hit submit and it works. But like I said sometimes mine does get stuck on the black screen. I find the best option is to wait as it usually eventually loads and if not theni refresh or something. But I have found it seems lots of people have issues so it seems more like even if you know how to do it, some still have issues, so maybe it is a matter of the website. I would keep trying, it usually eventually works for me but sometimes takes a few tries :)

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