post your chicken coop pictures here!

@perchie.girl Yes, I made that little design for my friends who saw me talking with another person about chicken nipples on Twitter. I mean... its a super fun word!


I change avatars pretty regularly... too

Why not give him a week or two and try to use I broody to hatch them out.

Because he is crowing and will bring attention to my project which isnt zoned and will, without any doubt, become aggressive toward my grand children. We had the turkeys eating out of our hands today (they have really long, sharp beaks) but he still wont let me touch him. I wont give him away in want adds because there is too much cock fighting in my area. I will probably butcher him. Its a shame, he would have been my favorite if he had been a hen.

If i had a real farm i could easily get interested in breeding him to some more like him and see what color eggs i could get but as it is, he would jeapardize my project and be a threat to the kids. None of my family or friends are ready to have more chickens yet. I have one friend i havent asked yet but he usually just buys chicks and raises meat birds. Ill give him a call tomorrow.
Because he is crowing and will bring attention to my project which isnt zoned and will, without any doubt, become aggressive toward my grand children. We had the turkeys eating out of our hands today (they have really long, sharp beaks) but he still wont let me touch him. I wont give him away in want adds because there is too much cock fighting in my area. I will probably butcher him. Its a shame, he would have been my favorite if he had been a hen.

If i had a real farm i could easily get interested in breeding him to some more like him and see what color eggs i could get but as it is, he would jeapardize my project and be a threat to the kids. None of my family or friends are ready to have more chickens yet. I have one friend i havent asked yet but he usually just buys chicks and raises meat birds. Ill give him a call tomorrow.

I understand not wanting to draw attention to the project and the concern for the kids but not all roosters turn out to be aggressive, some are really nice, and even the ones that are aggressive can often be worked with and rehabilitated so if it were me I would give him a chance. Especially if he's nice now, doesn't mean he'll thrn aggressive. Although some say that the more they're handled and coddled and the nicer as babies often the more likely they are to be aggressive kater because they don't learn respect, boundaries, and dominance, but idk how true that is. Some stop handling and treats or whatever when it becomes apparent one's a cockerel. So actually, I think it might be a good sign if he doesn't let you touch him and isn't overly cuddly. Might mean he doesn't turn aggressive. Though I do understand if you can't keep him.

Although I would suggest giving him a little more time before butchering, he won't make a very big meal. OR. Maybe instead of just giving him away you could charge a fee to deter the cock fighters? Or maybe someone on BYC could take him? Surely there must be someone relatively nearby who would be willing to take him. Try posting in the buy sell trade thread or your state or city thread.
I deem this coop and run to be done. :D


Rear view from the fenced chicken yard where we'll let the flock have some more space when we are there to supervise.

More from the chicken yard.

Money shot from the back yard. So happy with how it turned out! :weee

A HUGE thank you to all of those who have contributed pics and descriptions of their coops, runs, feeders etc... to these BYC pages. Having such a marvelous wealth of information available made the design and construction so much easier for a chicken newby.[/url]

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