post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here's my coop. I looked into buying one, but realized that I wanted a certain size and I didn't want it flimsy. So I went to home depot and bought all the supplies. It keeps evolving because I find things to change, but I love my coop. I designed it myself and did all the work myself. And I painted it to match our house! :)

This is how it started....

I had a nestbox hanging from the inside over the "trap door" down to the run.

But I decided to build an external one that I could access from the outside. And free up space inside the coop.

Mission accomplished!

I installed a light so that I can keep them laying through the winter :)

I also added a gutter system along the back side to keep water from hitting the rock wall and flooding the run.
It drains into the bucket and I use that to water the planting bed :)

My most recent project was to add another window to the back side of the coop for ventilation.

Hope you all like it! :)

For winter... I added a winter run...

And then, I added a new grow out coop...

And then, I changed the winter run in to a summer coop...

The inside layer of plastic is not so much to keep anything out... There are 2 layers of fencing as well as the plastic, on the bottom parts of the walls. One on the inside, and one on the outside that also has wood strips keeping it from being able to be ripped off by evil invaders.
AND THEN, I got a free wooden dog run.... added another little coop and a dog house coop conversion, and now the whole thing looks like this, with a plan to roof with hoops...

I built all the coops except the dog house... I am a girl, with very limited knowledge of building, so it really bugs the crap out of me when I read another woman post that she can't do it because she is a girl....This whole set up, cost me right around $500. I used a lot of recycled materials for the grow out coop, the coop with the trellis material(It was orginally outside of the run, I added it to the run as part of a wall. The trellis material is over top of hardwarecloth... I just liked how it looked). There whole constainment is 12x28, with 74sq feet of actual enclosed coop. I am planning to cover the top using a hoop structure and heavy duty tarp, cover the sides again with 6 ml plastic to keep snow out for the winter...

Love the huge exterior nest box. I might make something similar for the silkie tractor thingy. Now I'm craving a cherry limeade. Thanks
I love you coop design. I am interested in the green roof over the run i am debating building a second coop we will call it a grow out coop. How did you build it how deep is it what haveyou grown in it. Thanks Jon [ quote name="Mexiontheloose" url="/t/596294/post-your-chicken-coop-pictures-here/390#post_9582462"]Here's my coop. I looked into buying one, but realized that I wanted a certain size and I didn't want it flimsy. So I went to home depot and bought all the supplies. It keeps evolving because I find things to change, but I love my coop. I designed it myself and did all the work myself. And I painted it to match our house! :) This is how it started.... I had a nestbox hanging from the inside over the "trap door" down to the run. But I decided to build an external one that I could access from the outside. And free up space inside the coop. Mission accomplished! I installed a light so that I can keep them laying through the winter :) I also added a gutter system along the back side to keep water from hitting the rock wall and flooding the run. It drains into the bucket and I use that to water the planting bed :) My most recent project was to add another window to the back side of the coop for ventilation. Hope you all like it! :) [/quote]
Wow, such beautiful coops! I've seen so many beautiful coops on the web, I was inspired to be more creative with my gals new home!


Homemade Coop

Homemade Brooder

Homemade brooder

Water and food off the ground and covered saves a lot of time and prevents waste as well as keeps poop from contaminating the food and water supply. Made from left-overs from the coop.
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I cheated obviously.

It's a horse barn. :) 6' fence all around it.

And the barn has a tack room that is the main "coop".

Nesting boxes are made out of tree planters and old fencing.

Grow out/brooder area is a section of the tack room/coop fenced from the other birds. I can fit way too many in here!

This is the "run" side of the barn with all our poultry trying to hide from me and the "evil" LGD.
Love all the coops everyone! Here's mine.

This was in the spring.

This was when it was being built. This is the main area and on the other end are the nest boxes. The hole in the floor goes down to the second floor.

It's approx 2ft x11ft, I find the set up pretty hard to clean and for any access, but I think it is beautiful and my chickens don't know any different! :)

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