post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here is our coop thus far. It's coming together!
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HI David LaFerney :) I think your coop is awesome..... you're real talented being able to build something like that
it's most impressive.

We're new to keeping Chickens. Our 6 Isa Brown's only arrived on Monday. They seem to be pleased with their new home and appear happy enough. We're gonna let them free range around the garden after the weekend. Still working on names for them.

Thanks Kevmac, I did a good bit of research and put a lot of thought into it before I built it. I was kind of surprised with the popularity of chickens as a hobby that there aren't some (professionally) well designed small flock floor plans around. Or if there are I didn't find them. I guess this sort of thing just falls through the cracks a little. Anyway, a lot of folks have come up with some pretty good looking designs on their own.
i fear mine is more like Ma and Pa Kettle on the farm, I am using some netted up livestock panels, poles and screen fabric from one of those old back yard shade gazebo things, and closing in a small corner in the fence with the odds and ends still too good to toss, I love all the fancy ones, I just cannot justify buying all that new wood and stuff! My brother is a housepainter, so I am likely to have a multi color hen house!
I wish I could have built our own coop. I think I'd have made it bigger than the one we ended up with. I do like it though and the gang seem real happy with it

How many chickens have you got, Dave ?

Hey, Kaytracy
You should post a pic of your new coop when it's done. Bright colours will look great. I'm gonna pick something more striking when it needs a new coat of paint.


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We have an old RV shed in good shape so I just added a coop--added 2 sides and top of chicken wire--in one corner. Have a POP door out to a run that will be fenced in an covered with bird netting.

Nest box flush with chicken wire so as not to lose floor space.

I have added a couple 2X4 supports under the roosts.

POP door

So it is not a stand alone coop but should be predator proof at night and will fit our needs.
Ours just came today. Its a little smaller than we expected but it looks pretty easy to expand in the future. We only have six chickens. We r going to build our own run around it and put some stick on vinyl on the walls. Our Dog Texas wanted to check it out too.





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