post your chicken coop pictures here!

hi LS, I have 2 ramps one inside and one going outside to the run. All of the chickens use them. On the ladder the Rung's are 5 inches apart and inch and half wide. My two main perches are 2*4s with the wide side up. I put the ladder in so they could get up to the two higher perches. Was afraid the would break a foot landing to hard.. Took ladder out now.

Yeah, you get the feel for what works in your coop after having chickens for a while. We modify when we see something is not working.
No fencing, so far so good as far as the predators go. They are definitely around-I think the dogs being outside helps.

If dogs are awake and around they will be a great help but if the dog is snoozing s/he can be totally too late to stop a quick fox, coyote, hawk, etc. Shredded chickens in a yard are a sad sight to behold not to mention the pain they endured from the jaws/claws of a predator. Get secure or predators will continue to return once they catch one of your easy free-range girls.

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