post your chicken coop pictures here!

Hey guys... I've done the math and if I'm right my eggs will hatch in a day or two... Can I go get a few babies and slip them under momma if these don't hatch? Will momma and chick take to each other if I get them as soon as the come in at the store? My kids are excited about babies and if these don't hatch they will cry.
!!!!!! :eek: !!!!!!

I just went outside to collect eggs before it started to storm and guess what... I move momma to make sure nobody added an egg again when another hen walks in and starts rolling them under her!!! Silly :cd those aren't your babies.....

But maybe she's going broody and will take over the younger of the 4 eggs... I put 2 into the nest as controls thinking they would be infertile but guess what... 12 days later and the air sacks are formed and they look good as well... :he

My husband is going to kill me.... He knows about 2 about to hatch. I failed to mention the other 2 a week behind the first ones...
Hope the hen does tend them... Have no incubator to save them if she doesn't.
TJ, don't know if they'll continue to sit, but I can tell you that the double mommy system is pretty handy, I've got our second batch of chicks growing up with it at the moment.

Should I tell my husband about the possible second set lol... :oops:
Or hide and let him figure it out if he ever goes out there lol
Very pretty!!! LOVE the of my favorite movies!
Rain rain go AWAY!!!! My chickens were swinnig around the yard!!!! We are under a flood warning. The water is over my rain boots and it's still falling!!!! I've got a momma hen sitting on a nest thankfully inside the coop a solid 3.5' off the ground but the roo and other 6 hens refuse to go inside.... They swam away when I tried to lock them down.... Help! Lol...

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