post your chicken coop pictures here!

My coop is 5x3 and from 3.5 to 2.5 feet tall. With an 8x5 run that is 4 feet tall. And mine cost over double so i guess that's about par for the course.
Of course mine came with frustration, stress, blood, sweat, and time and I can't really put a price on that.
Hello everyone. New here. New to raising chickens as well! My wife and I picked up 6 RIR chicks for our boys as a Easter present. After going just about crazy over what to do for a coop I said screw it and bought a really nice Amish made coop that gets delivered Friday! Can't wait and the kids are even more excited! This is a new adventure for us but has been fun for all so far!

Seeing everyone's home built coops makes me jealous as I should of built one but I honestly don't have the time right now. Working 80 hours a week on a different shift each week kinda kills my energy to spend countless hours building outside. Figured I was better off buying something well built to keep the girls safe than a quick thrown together pile I did on 2 hours of sleep lol.
Here's a couple pics I took quick before leaving the place we bought it from. I'll be clearing a spot for it tomorrow and will build a run for it this weekend hopefully!


Welcome adkhunter, and that coop looks great. I hate to know what you spent on it but it will definitely do the job for 6 RIRs.Does it come with a chicken run? Are you going to free range? or just keep the "cooped up?"
Welcome adkhunter, and that coop looks great. I hate to know what you spent on it but it will definitely do the job for 6 RIRs.Does it come with a chicken run? Are you going to free range? or just keep the "cooped up?"

Thank you! It was originally $1600 but we talked the guy down to $1200 plus free delivery to our house that's 45 miles away. I had about $700-900 figured for materials if I had built one. So yes I spent a few hundred more but I also don't have to spend the time building one now. Which is worth much more than a few hundred bucks! Didn't come with a run but I'm going to build one once it gets here and I get it in place. I have a few more weeks until the chicks are big enough to go outside so I have invited a couple buddies down for a BBQ/chicken run building party lol. Free beer and food for giving me a hand building the run. Lol. We have 18 acres so we have plenty of room so I will prolly let them free range a bit on nice days. We have a decent amount of predators so they won't be out free ranging too often
Rain rain go AWAY!!!! My chickens were swinnig around the yard!!!! We are under a flood warning. The water is over my rain boots and it's still falling!!!! I've got a momma hen sitting on a nest thankfully inside the coop a solid 3.5' off the ground but the roo and other 6 hens refuse to go inside.... They swam away when I tried to lock them down.... Help! Lol...
use a fishing net.
That's not too bad at all for that nice of a coop! Good call on the chicken run building party why didn't I think of that lol. Good luck with the run and let us know how the chicken raising is coming. You can get most of your answers just by searching the forum I search things probably on a daily basis.
Should I tell my husband about the possible second set lol... :oops:
Or hide and let him figure it out if he ever goes out there lol

I'm sorry of in the same boat. My husband knows about some of the turkey eggs I have in the bator buthedoesn't know about the second set I ordered and just put in it lol. I'm kinda going he doesn't look for a week or two until I weed out any that aren't developing.
Hello everyone. New here. New to raising chickens as well! My wife and I picked up 6 RIR chicks for our boys as a Easter present. After going just about crazy over what to do for a coop I said screw it and bought a really nice Amish made coop that gets delivered Friday! Can't wait and the kids are even more excited! This is a new adventure for us but has been fun for all so far!

Seeing everyone's home built coops makes me jealous as I should of built one but I honestly don't have the time right now. Working 80 hours a week on a different shift each week kinda kills my energy to spend countless hours building outside. Figured I was better off buying something well built to keep the girls safe than a quick thrown together pile I did on 2 hours of sleep lol.
Here's a couple pics I took quick before leaving the place we bought it from. I'll be clearing a spot for it tomorrow and will build a run for it this weekend hopefully!

You're not alone! Many of us bought our coops for similar reasons.

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