post your chicken coop pictures here![/IMG Its not as nice as some of the others but it only cost me $40 for the wire and the chickens are not complaining. I'm pretty darn proud of it.[/QUOTE]

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This is darling for chicks or juveniles but might get too cramped for adult birds unless you plan on free-range.  Chickens only use the coop to lay eggs or roost for the night - the rest of the day they go around scratching for worms and grass seeds.

Have to agree, they really shouldn't be able to sell them as chicken coops, we got misled into buying one slightly bigger for our three bantams as well when they were chicks. It's now the nesting box inside their coop..........
Same here!

We bought one similar for 2 x bantams and immediately had to add an extended run. The coop was fine, the run, seriously lacking. Then as the flock grew (chicken math) we added another coop to it and made one big coop and added even more run space.
Nice to see ppl with energy to build in this crazy weather!  We had to stop because of drizzly rains. 

Our first coop was pre-built assembled with the same particle board as yours.  In the nestboxes our chickens scratched so hard before laying their egg that one OCD chicken snagged and pulled out a toenail and made the other toes bleed from splinters.  I would suggest a plexiglass bottom plate in the nestboxes (which is what we ultimately did), or fit plastic dish pans in each nestbox, or paint/seal very well to keep the chickens from scratching up splinters.  Just passing along what happened to us.  With our newest coop we paint/sealed all the inside of the coop walls and nestboxes to protect from poop and moisture and have individual plastic nestboxes set inside the nestbox lane.  It has been such a learning process along the way and still we continue learning!

yeah the last few days have been really hot but no more helps though that I worked building scaffold since I was 18 and I'm 24 now I work on an ambulance so I gotta get my exercise in before work.but Yeah I use osb board for every thing I built but I always put paint on everything I build to so it is more weather proof.. and doesn't absorb the chicken feces and urine...but thanks for the suggestions ...I was thinking of putting plastic tubs in there though for them to get in ...I'll post more pictures tomorrow after I paint it.
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@Teila @Sylvester017Yeah they are only 3 weeks old right now. We are building a run that goes all the way down the side of the house. My mom bought everything for me as a Mother's Day gift. I'm just thankful for what I have to start out
Hey Flaisure what a perfect mothers’ day gift!

That is a good start and the extended run will just be the beginning .. when chicken math hits it will be an even bigger run and coop, more chickens etc etc

Enjoy your babies .. is that them in your avatar? Very cute!

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