post your chicken coop pictures here!

Absolutely love the airy feel to look at it.
Wish the predators would leave our area alone so we could have this type of "bird cage"..!
Mine would be torn up..
We live in a rural type setting very wooded and have an abundant supply of wild life up to and including black bears. The 1/2" hardware cloth should prevent most predators if not all. So far have not found any signs of close to the house may be the reason for this. Once I mount some wheels...I will relocate further out...cross my fingers.

I've pretty much finished my run - curious if you all think that it is secure enough around the door? I think I found some weasel scat a couple days ago, but haven't yet seen evidence of something trying to get in. The hardware cloth goes down 12-18 inches and then out about 4-6. The eglu has the welded wire apron so I didn't bury down at that, but used 12 inch landscaping stakes to pin it down and then put capstones on top. The roof is half shaded, half clear so that in the winter there can be some sun getting in to warm it up. Right now I have three bantams and one standard, looking to add a couple bantams probably. I let them out for a couple hours a day when I'm out to supervise. Anyway, I'm happy to hear any feedback or suggestions. Anything I can plant around the run (keeping in mind that I'm in VT)? I was going to try creeping thyme and sage.
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I've pretty much finished my run - curious if you all think that it is secure enough around the door?  I think I found some weasel scat a couple days ago, but haven't yet seen evidence of something trying to get in. The hardware cloth goes down 12-18 inches and then out about 4-6. The eglu has the welded wire apron so I didn't bury down at that, but used 12 inch landscaping stakes to pin it down and then put capstones on top. The roof is half shaded, half clear so that in the winter there can be some sun getting in to warm it up.  Right now I have three bantams and one standard, looking to add a couple bantams probably.  I let them out for a couple hours a day when I'm out to supervise.  Anyway, I'm happy to hear any feedback or suggestions. Anything I can plant around the run (keeping in mind that I'm in VT)?  I was going to try creeping thyme and sage.

weasles are very very sneaky. They can get in to almost everything. I had a ferret before and she goot into our pantry from sliding under the door with the gap only being 1/2"-1" she was fully grown, but a female so a little smaller, where as males are larger.
We live in a rural type setting very wooded and have an abundant supply of wild life up to and including black bears. The 1/2" hardware cloth should prevent most predators if not all. So far have not found any signs of close to the house may be the reason for this. Once I mount some wheels...I will relocate further out...cross my fingers.
Holy Cow!! If I knew for a fact that I had black bear....I'd be crazy paranoid!! LOL.....And they are really not that far from us as it is! Like, I know they are in our county but "I" haven't seen them. I know we have coyotes, foxes, raccoons, occasionally a few wolves will pass thru. I watch the smaller animals that are the prey for the larger ones like to gauge my stress level.
The little bunnies didn't show up in our yard the evening before my temporary pens were hit and I lost most of my girls. I should have been ready. But now my 410 is loaded and sitting beside my door....wouldn't be beyond sitting out and waiting on them. ! But for a Black Bear.....
I've pretty much finished my run - curious if you all think that it is secure enough around the door? I think I found some weasel scat a couple days ago, but haven't yet seen evidence of something trying to get in. The hardware cloth goes down 12-18 inches and then out about 4-6. The eglu has the welded wire apron so I didn't bury down at that, but used 12 inch landscaping stakes to pin it down and then put capstones on top. The roof is half shaded, half clear so that in the winter there can be some sun getting in to warm it up. Right now I have three bantams and one standard, looking to add a couple bantams probably. I let them out for a couple hours a day when I'm out to supervise. Anyway, I'm happy to hear any feedback or suggestions. Anything I can plant around the run (keeping in mind that I'm in VT)? I was going to try creeping thyme and sage.
It seems to look ok to me you can only do so much short of putting land mines in, lol.In the winter I wrap my run with a heavy canvas on 3 sides and a clear shower curtain on the front, acts like a greenhouse and warms up during the day and it keeps the snow out.
I have the same coop. here is what I have done so far still a work in progress. I am putting bricks all along the perimeter of the run and coop. I have 1/4 inch hardware cloth around and will go around again just as an extra security. I also have the top secure with chicken wire.
I have 3 RIR

Hi. I see you're using hardware cloth, but am you live in "predator country"? If so, have you buried your hardware cloth "down and out" about 12" or so? I see you've put bricks around the bottom, but if that hardware cloth isn't buried predators will dig their way to China and get in...just thinkin' .....
We live in a rural type setting very wooded and have an abundant supply of wild life up to and including black bears. The 1/2" hardware cloth should prevent most predators if not all. So far have not found any signs of close to the house may be the reason for this. Once I mount some wheels...I will relocate further out...cross my fingers.

You may have to find a permanent location for that huge coop especially with the heavy log perches inside it. As for predators/rodents we found leaving the patio light on has kept night critters away this past year and we've been catching a lot of flying insects in a pan of water located under the light - extra chicken treats.
As for predators/rodents we found leaving the patio light on has kept night critters away this past year and we've been catching a lot of flying insects in a pan of water located under the light - extra chicken treats.

Would a motion activated sprinkler help? I've known people that used them successfully for cats, but I wonder how well they'd work for wild critters?
Would a motion activated sprinkler help? I've known people that used them successfully for cats, but I wonder how well they'd work for wild critters?

Cats and chickens are the only critters I know to get spooked by sprinkler water. Raccoons and dogs love to play in sprinklers so against them I doubt it would work. But hey, anything is worth a try. My favorite deterrent so far is the electrified fence method and if I had an open field or huge yard would probably be my first choice - keeps chickens in while keeping wildlife out.
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